Unpopular opinion

Pidapipo June 20, 2019 5:46 pm

I tried to love this manhwa. At this point the plot is a mess, there are way too many obvious plot holes it irks me so much.

    blueninja89 June 20, 2019 10:11 pm

    I like it, but I completely get you. I honestly find James naiveté draining more so than endearing. Secondly the attempt at humor seems so unbalanced at times given the seriousness of the plot. It's often jarring being confronted with a serious moment followed by casual comedy or total indifference to give certain characters more mystery. I get what the author is attempting to do but somehow there's something missing for me that makes it not quite work flawlessly.

    maychan June 21, 2019 5:43 pm

    I mean it's not a masterpiece but it's not that bad either. I seen other works with worse plot and holes then this one so...
    and please show me two strong rival's that actually kick ass yaoi story, and not one of them act like a girl every two minutes, and I be happy. if you find any yaoi like this that is.
    until then I happy with this one.