Maybe because he couldn’t see how the collar is? It’s on his neck he wouldn’t know how it is if he doesn’t see it. Well he could try touching it to feel the buckle but the master is in front of him almost all the time.
Or maybe he was in lots of thoughts that he forgot the first thing he got to do is trying to escape.
Or maybe just a real plot hole (⊙…⊙ )

True, but the first thing I'd do when I woke up and found myself chained, to God knows what, is immediately try to get whatever the hell was around my throat off as fast as physically possible. I mean, wouldn't everyone do that?
ONE : you'd have a small panic attack, like 'Where am I? What happened? Who did this to me?' and so on...
TWO : once you've assessed the situation : You're sitting on a bed, chained up with a dog collar around your throat
THREE : Taken in your surroundings : You're in an empty room with a bed and a door (as far as I could see)
FOUR : And have calmed down a little, you'd immediately and instinctively go to remove the thing, in this case it's the dog collar, from around your throat and then you'd instantly try to find a way to escape...
I don't think it'd really matter if the weird kidnapper dude had "saved" you or not, because in that instance all you'd be able to think about is removing that damned collar from your throat, even if that meant going down kicking and screaming bloody murder
I'm pretty sure that place, the place where May's being held captive, isn't soundproof, so SOMEONE would hear you screaming bloody murder and call the cops... Right?
Also, if I were the "friend" that continuesly calls May's phone without getting a response, I'd IMMEDIATELY get the cops involved, like how dumb do you have to be to NOT involve the cops, when your friend's not answering your calls/texts for hours on end? Wouldn't that instantly raise suspicions and make you think they're missing?

There was a chance of escaping, I think it was between the time of May waking up and the kidnapper junkie in a suit came. But, the guy's wearing a suit, so I'm guessing he's got a job? People've been saying that the kidnapper had a twin, but in all honesty, I'm not too sure about it.
Let's say he doesn't have a twin, May has hours on end to escape from that place.
But I'd stay for at least a week or so, though always able to escape whenever I wanted to, figure out when the kidnapper would be gone and when he'd be back, then escape within the time space it takes the kidnapper to get back. It's THAT easy, though if May's gonna be a REALLY stupid idiot and not take his chance, it's gonna be REALLY bloody disappointing...
Is it really JUST me or does anyone else realize that May could LITERALLY unbuckle the collar, since it's got THE SAME setup as a belt, find some clothes and leave? Seriously, there's NO lock on the collar, so WHY the fuck is May PRETENDING to be trapped?
Seriously though, I'm not the only one who realized that, right? I mean it's painfully obvious... But I guess it's "for plot development", well... I call bullshit, it's frustrating that May doesn't just get up and leave...
( ̄へ ̄)Yeah, that's just my opinion, but whatever I guess...