you could make the flower pot a bit bigger and a bit more to the corner so it fills the space? so it looks less sorta 'empty'. the specks of light on the ground should be more sharp and less airbrushy,, bc it has the same blurryness as the pot which is closer,, so the perspective is sorta a bit off. and the cracks(?) in the wall shouldnt have that much shine,, bc the rest of the wall doesnt so. you could also make the shadow under the boys and around the edges of the wall a bit darker,, bc the pot is way darker than the rest so it pops out more,, so your attention goes to the pot first and not the boys

It looks off. You're focusing on the boys right? Cause the light is just blurrying them out so the first thing that catches your eye is the flower pot. Guy in the suit arm is way too thin for the guy, feet are too big, necks are too thick or head is small. Basically, work on your anatomy buddo. Dude above got most of the things I wanna say so I don't have much.
Hey guys! I know I am annoying and this is the second time that I will post my drawings here. I need a critique once again for my latest one. It's my first one doing this kind of background and I am just starting to go away from my comfort zone, still an amateur work though. I just need one more critique about this one because your critiques from last are really helpful.
I know, I know my coloring is still crappy