Prince is abnormal

nyx June 19, 2019 12:06 am

There is something off about the prince. I still dont understand why he treated the way he did to tia in her first life. I mean she was jealous of the black haired girl so what she did not do anything to harm her. She was cold and distant but the prince could see her affection for him. We know that the prince adores tia's mother so even tho he did not love her he could have protect her or be like a bro to her bcs of his respect to her mother. I dont understand why the prince hate her this much and act so cruelly? I mean she did not do anything extraordinary that would melt his heart so why did the prince attitude change towards her in her second life? Maybe i missed something could you please explain me ( ̄へ ̄)

    Void June 19, 2019 11:01 am

    I don't know much. But i think it is because she said something bad(or wrong?) about her mother that the prince treated her badly

    JerryPotatoes June 20, 2019 4:39 am

    I think we will soon know the reason why he treats her the way he does. Remember that in one chapter everyone was wondering if she remembered something that happened between her and the prince and that’s why she hated him. (But of course we know it’s because she is reliving her life) I think she might have done something wrong or the prince did something wrong to her causing a rift to form between her and the prince. If I remember correctly when they were talking about her remembering what happened I think the illustration was the two of them in the winter. Again it was in earlier chapters (sorry I can’t remember the exact one) and I don’t remember a lot.

    sera20xx June 20, 2019 9:07 am

    I think maybe it because he was always compared to her when the y were children in both the first and second life was like he was never good enough for everyone when in fact they both were working hard ....they never saw their efforts though...I think because in this one her choice not to be empress and working hard to become the heir to her family name/Knight is showing and he is looking at that this time as well she's had such a tramatic experience that her normal cold/ indifferent exterior from her past life is not there and is showing her fear's just all big messy misunderstandings and jealousy *sigh*Idk there's still so much that hasn't been shown!! ...hope it helps tho!!!.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    JerryPotatoes June 24, 2019 5:21 am
    I think maybe it because he was always compared to her when the y were children in both the first and second life was like he was never good enough for everyone when in fact they both were working hard .... sera20xx

    I think all of this is true but I still think there is something more we as an audience don't know yet.

    grodygrody July 8, 2019 10:28 am
    I think all of this is true but I still think there is something more we as an audience don't know yet. JerryPotatoes

    SPOILER~~~~~for MTL novel reading

    No, its not actually deep or anything. There's a small plot point involving how crown prince admired Tia's mom as a child and is jealous of Tia for how much love she got from her mom and dad and how capable she is. His cruelty and general shitty demeanor stems from pure and simple jealousy. His entire POV section of the novel was basically resenting, being jealous, and feeling inferior to Tia. When he executed her in the 1st life he isn't even regretful that he raped, abused, and killed the family of this poor girl whose only wrong was being competent and in love with him. No, he's upset that he has more work to do because Tia was doing everything and it turns out black haired love of his life is actually straight incompetent. He even kills her too.

    Guy is straight trash. Nothing made him the way he was, he's just insecure and has low self-esteem. Unfortunately, he's also in a position of power. That's why Tia getting together with him in the second chance is gross. His personality has always been that horrible and nothing made it that way. He's not even that nice to her and is still petty AF in the second life. He just didn't beat or rape her again, but sure as shit gaslights her loads.

    nyx July 8, 2019 1:18 pm

    Thank you for the spoiler. Now i hate the prince more. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    grodygrody July 9, 2019 12:09 am
    Thank you for the spoiler. Now i hate the prince more. (▰˘◡˘▰) nyx

    I feel like I've done a public service (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    JerryPotatoes July 11, 2019 4:08 pm
    I feel like I've done a public service (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ grodygrody

    U have

    M A Y O _ F I S H July 12, 2019 7:15 am
    SPOILER~~~~~for MTL novel readingNo, its not actually deep or anything. There's a small plot point involving how crown prince admired Tia's mom as a child and is jealous of Tia for how much love she got from he... grodygrody

    Tbh if if this if the reasoning for him becoming an ass why would the author put the mc through this shit again it’s just cruel tbh the only victim of this shit story is the mc I rlly don’t give a shit about jieun so I don’t feel bad 4 her and the prince is a fucking cunt he needs to rot in hell

    grodygrody July 12, 2019 3:02 pm
    Tbh if if this if the reasoning for him becoming an ass why would the author put the mc through this shit again it’s just cruel tbh the only victim of this shit story is the mc I rlly don’t give a shit abou... M A Y O _ F I S H

    Idk, the only thing I can think of is that author likes the "black bellied" archetype which is basically a popular archetype of controlling, abusive, dark ML. Author's mistake was that she gave him no "tragic backstory" BS to try to salvage his justification, although no amount of child abuse or tragedy could justify what he did to MC and her dad (who were 100% innocent). He's just a spoiled kid who was jealous of his own fiancee and abused her. Second life, you can see he's capable of such petty cruelty even as a child and for no reason. Since I read mainly MTL and spoilers, I'm not 100% sure but there's this sinister implication that MC never had a chance. Fate dictated she would marry him, and there's a part where author really tries to make it that MC did it out of love but idt so since MC is constantly thinking and obsessing a bit about the prince when she shouldn't, if not for what he did to her, then for murdering her father and their household/knights.

    JerryPotatoes July 12, 2019 5:29 pm
    Idk, the only thing I can think of is that author likes the "black bellied" archetype which is basically a popular archetype of controlling, abusive, dark ML. Author's mistake was that she gave him no "tragic b... grodygrody

    This is making me want to give up on the story. U can’t have a story with so many loop holes. I don’t even like the MC bc she doesn’t say anything when she could have! This whole situation is so stupid. She has had every opportunity to kill the prince and get everyone on her side at the same time. Bc she has the blessing on the god or whatever and the prince is a only child she then would be next in line for the throne. All these people want to protect her but she does nothing. I hate how in these types of stories the MC never thinks that bc of their actions changing this time around the story would also change. They think everything will be the same!!! Like wtf. Her dad supports her so this whole time she could have just said “I’m not marrying him.” Problem solved.

    grodygrody July 13, 2019 5:40 am
    This is making me want to give up on the story. U can’t have a story with so many loop holes. I don’t even like the MC bc she doesn’t say anything when she could have! This whole situation is so stupid. S... JerryPotatoes

    There were some divine intervention/prophecy shenanigans so idt she could have killed the prince ヽ(`Д´)ノ The author is trying to show she's traumatized and stuff from her first life which is why she's not proactive, but it ends up failing cuz all her development is dropped when she falls in love with the prince (idk y he's the source of her trauma and so douchey in the second life) and they marry. Tia loses a lot of my respect because of how weak sauce she is best boi and why I'm reading t.t he deserves a daughter who doesn't fall in love and remarry the man who framed and murdered him.

    JerryPotatoes July 13, 2019 9:05 pm
    There were some divine intervention/prophecy shenanigans so idt she could have killed the prince ヽ(`Д´)ノ The author is trying to show she's traumatized and stuff from her first life which is why she's not... grodygrody

    NO THEY REMARRY! I mean I saw it coming but u don’t just forgive people when they do that! What the hell!?!? Is she stupid Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    grodygrody July 14, 2019 1:04 am
    NO THEY REMARRY! I mean I saw it coming but u don’t just forgive people when they do that! What the hell!?!? Is she stupid Σ(っ°Д °;)っ JerryPotatoes

    sooooooooo stupid ┗( T﹏T )┛Total bait and switch. One second, she's training to be a knight and take over papa's land, and next second, BAM! competing to be empress again and falling for prince. Since nothing made him how he was in 1st life, that means 2nd life he's the same person with the same capacity to do that shit and only difference is that Tia avoided him. God, just think if she's like nice to him in 2nd life that means he'd have killed her and her dad. TRASH!ML.

    JerryPotatoes July 14, 2019 2:38 pm
    sooooooooo stupid ┗( T﹏T )┛Total bait and switch. One second, she's training to be a knight and take over papa's land, and next second, BAM! competing to be empress again and falling for prince. Since n... grodygrody

    Ya trash!! And did she just forget about everything that happened. She just keeps flip flopping around with how she feels. I mean she shouldn’t like the dude that treated her like shit and it’s not like he was acting any different then before!!!! The author really messed this up oofΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    lucky247 July 17, 2019 11:43 am
    SPOILER~~~~~for MTL novel readingNo, its not actually deep or anything. There's a small plot point involving how crown prince admired Tia's mom as a child and is jealous of Tia for how much love she got from he... grodygrody

    do you have the link to the novel?

    grodygrody July 17, 2019 12:46 pm
    do you have the link to the novel? lucky247

    No its been a while but I found it by shifting through the google search for the korean name 버림 받은 황비. I read it before the webcomic got really popular so it might be harder to find a free version now with all the webcomics showing.