I don't know if I like this or not. I'm confused of what I should like. She was able to re...

FairyGodMother June 17, 2019 2:53 am

I don't know if I like this or not. I'm confused of what I should like. She was able to remember a whole dream while I forget mine in 3 seconds after waking up and all I remember are my nightmares. She was also able to tell that she was the sister just by looking at her hair and she didn't even know if there was a sister in the story. Also, she always have that look of distress.

    Mélimélo-chan June 17, 2019 4:35 am

    She knew who she was cause everything was already in her brain, and as an outsider as well she was able to quickly understand that there wasn't supposed to be any twin in the book
    It was obviously not real dream but something connecting her directly to this world, so I would call it a memory
    She is obviously distressed because she read the whole book and knows just how much the guy suffered and suffers and that made her extremely sad and yeah ?
    Does that explain everything ? I wasn't confused at all tbh

    FairyGodMother June 17, 2019 5:54 am
    She knew who she was cause everything was already in her brain, and as an outsider as well she was able to quickly understand that there wasn't supposed to be any twin in the bookIt was obviously not real dream... Mélimélo-chan

    Yeah, a bit. Thanks