I want to read this sooo bad but SPOILER

InspectorT-Rex June 16, 2019 7:25 pm

You have been warned: After i found out she is gonna be romantically involved with him later i kinda felt sick and now i can't read it and i am kinda pissed that it's getting an adaptation

    Bendryy June 18, 2019 8:16 pm

    Are you serious?

    Usagi-san June 19, 2019 8:59 pm

    No seriously?.... it was going so well... it was so wholesome and fluffy...

    InspectorT-Rex June 20, 2019 11:07 am

    I was really put off and surprised when i read it at first but yeah multiple people have confirmed it for me

    OnionSenpai July 4, 2019 5:29 pm

    fucking japan- this is why we can't have nice things

    Laibak15 July 8, 2019 2:08 am
    fucking japan- this is why we can't have nice things OnionSenpai

    PBF July 11, 2019 5:55 pm

    Ughh... fucking hell. How are you supposed to ship it when the title literally calls her his daughter? Japan needs to snap out of their weird fetishes already.

    Yukine July 14, 2019 6:20 pm

    That really ruins the whole manga I mean she is his daughter for god sake and she is 11 years younger seriously I was actually enjoying this story

    Abyssal Nier October 4, 2019 6:18 pm

    I think it's fine but that's my opinion and I actually researched what is going to happen and stuff so yeah