I 'investigated' and found out that they are soulmates. They ended up having 3 kids together. Link: https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=dbfladk24&logNo=221321910193&categoryNo=28&proxyReferer=&proxyReferer= http%3A%2F%2Fblog.naver.com%2FPostView.nhn%3FblogId%3Ddbfladk24%26logNo%3D221321910193%26parentCategoryNo%3D%26categoryNo%3D28%26viewDate%3D%26isShowPopularPosts%3Dtrue%26from%3Dsearch
uff, best news so far, ty! *-*
Way to go not to put in the "spoilers" warning in your comment section. way to go.
why are u commenting my comment, I didnt spoil (⌒▽⌒)
Yeah, you kinda did spoil it.
Read the names that's not the OP. SO NO they didn't spoil it, they said TY.
You didn't reply to the OP, that person didn't spoil anything.
Yeah you did spoiled it by saying "best news"Not Bad newsNot Good News but BEST NEWS might as well shoot fireworks behind that spoiler.*sarcasm* :P
I 'investigated' and found out that they are soulmates. They ended up having 3 kids together.
Link: https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=dbfladk24&logNo=221321910193&categoryNo=28&proxyReferer=&proxyReferer= http%3A%2F%2Fblog.naver.com%2FPostView.nhn%3FblogId%3Ddbfladk24%26logNo%3D221321910193%26parentCategoryNo%3D%26categoryNo%3D28%26viewDate%3D%26isShowPopularPosts%3Dtrue%26from%3Dsearch