Yuju is definitely dead. His mom set herself, the house and her husband on fire when she found out about it.
The fate of Giju and Young-do is shown in a way that leaves a lot of room for interpretation but to me it is clear that Giju killed himself by jumping from a building and Young-do was killed by the killer we saw earlier in the story. The last scene (in my opinion) is them meeting in the afterlife.
I Giju's and Young-do's deaths are tragic but Yuju's death was too much. It'll take me a while to get over that.

No, Young-do was killed because he was part of the group (which was lead by his blonde friend) who tried to betray the old man/the old boss, means it was a mafia thing and completely unrelated to her death.
I don't think he had to wrap up quickly, that usually never happens anyway. Looking back now there was a lot of foreshadowing and many hints that it'd end this way. I really liked it but I also think that the author was a little bit troubled sometimes and some things could've been written better but I guess that's something that could be solved with a little bit more experience.

Thank you, I just read the last 8 chapters and I was totally confused. Also, I think you are right, the story is soo good and there is a lot of foreshadowing (the bird, the cage, the mother, etc.) but, sadly, in comparison with the previous chapters, the ending feels a little fast paced and to abstract to fully enjoy it.

Damn your explanation for the ending is incredible !
The ending had been bothering me for a month now, I wish I'd seen it earlier... Now I get what the author was going for, and I do find it interesting.
I also can't deal with Yuju's death, she doesn't even show up in the afterlife :'(...
I think that rather than meeting Young-do in the afterlife, it's more like while thinking about how miserable his short life has been, Giju realizes that the only good thing that ever happened to him was meeting Young-do. Or something like that... It's a cruel story anyhow.
Like others I still think the story was shortened and the ending was rushed. It wasn't doing super well on korean Lezhin (it wasn't in the BL op 100 in it's last weeks which is underperforming for an ongoing series from a seasoned artist), the author even stopped mentioning Saha on his social media near the end and we never got author's notes (which practically never happens on Lezhin)...
Despite the fact that most of the stuff that happens in the end was foreshadowed, I remember some other forshadowing, in the very begining, that was never adressed later. For example (I don't remember in which chapter it was exactly) the narrator says something like: "Later Young-do would ask Giju what he would do if he had xxx amount of money, and Giju would respond that he only needed Young-do", but their relationship never got to a point were they had these type of old couple's conversations... I feel like all the latest events were supposed to happen way later, unless this is a conversation they have in the afterlife?
There also the huge plot hole regarding Giju's mother. There's a lot of foreshadowing regarding his past, with the lady in the convinient store recognizing him, for example, and, if I recall correctly, it was implied that the people with who Yuji stayed before getting kidnapped were linked to Giju's mother. But in the end we only learn that she supposedly chose to leave him with his godforsaken adoptive parents, but we're never told why she did that...
Finally, when the narrator shows up for the first time, she tells him something about "saving those girls", but that was also eluded. Btw, any theories out there about the narrator ? Is it like in Digitalis where she's some sort of godess watching over the characters, is she a creation of Giju's mind or was the author simply trying to be meta ?
I don't know how to feel about all this... It started great and it later became quite trippy (which I like) but something is off with the ending, it's too evasive and the pacing was not so great ( ̄∇ ̄").
At least this is a series I will remember !

Now that I know there's no epilogue or a proper author's note I also think that maybe something else is the reason why it ended this quickly.
He went on Hiatus twelve times while writing Saha. A 52 chapters long series with short (mostly black and white) chapters that was released three times a month. Some of those breaks lasted up to a month.
It wasn't his first series with a release schedule like this. He wrote another series for Lezhin that's almost twice as long and he only went on hiatus a few times while writing that one.
I still can't imagine that they suddenly canceled his series but it's possible that he wasn't satisfied with the story, had problems wrapping things up and maybe Lezhin wasn't willing to give him more time or maybe he didn't want to work on it anymore.
I had a similar experience with Delicious. The story itself was great but the ending was a little bit lackluster. Everything was wrapped up but it wasn't as exciting as it could've been.
The epilogue was four sentences long and most of the text was about how disappointed the author was in his own work.
Whatever the reason was, I hope that he will have less problems with his next series (and get another series on Lezhin so that we get an official translation ;) ).
I put it on hold a few months ago because the numerous breaks ruined the enjoyment a little bit, hence why I thought reading it when it's finished would be the best thing to do. However, I didn't check how many chapters there are on the Korean site and thought ch.51 (Finale2) was the last one. I was wrong and absolutely regret not checking it because
Huge spoilers ahead
(Please don't answer with spoilers from the raws. I want to find out how it ends on Monday, when the last chapter is released)
I think the sister is dead. I'm not 100% sure. Chapter 50 and 51 are mostly about Giju being in denial in his subconscious fantasy world so it's not absolutely clear what's going on right now but it looks a lot like she's dead.
The guy who kidnapped her earlier in the story delivers a package to Giju's apartment (only Young-do is there) and we see her broken fingernails peeking out of it. Her fingers aren't moving. In Giju's subconsciousness he insists that there is nothing in it, only a bird but it is made clear that this "bird" is actually his sister and she seems to be dead.
To be honest, at this point I could imagine that all three of them are dead at the end.
Or maybe the author is just trolling us (God I hope he's just trolling us). It's probably possible to figure it out by reading the last few chapters very carefully but I don't have to nerves to do this right now. These last few chapters were too devastating for me.
The only good thing that happened was, that his piece of shit stepfather finally died (again, not 100% sure but it looked a lot like he's dead).