Well there certainly is something not right about him. However, his past circumstances had led to this train of thought. He was raised in an environment where he is constantly judged and criticized for being fat. He thinks that he himself was disgusting and a pig and as such he believes other people who are similar in body weight to how he used to be are the same. He is still bothered about his past as well. He finds out that people can be happy in his situation, however he was tortured because of it. It doesn’t justify his thinking, however he is not as bad as other people are. There are people who just despise people based on their weight for no reason and those people are the real pieces of shit. This boy wants to prove that he is happier now, but he is not truly happier. He is still as unconfident and anxiety ridden.

my opinion doesn't change. ive met countless and i mean a whole community of bullied people for various reason either be fat or skinny or stupid looking. i was a bullied person my self. but whether ur a bullying victim or not what uare at heart doesng change. and al tose people were kind people and never wished to hurt anyone. hes the kind of person in mangas who u see the second there good looking they think fat girls are pigs and disgusting its not because of his trauma. hes jusy s piece of shit at his heart

That's not the same case for everyone. To be honest, i was bullied too and then i started bullying too. I'm not really proud of it nowadays.
But back then, i really thought that i could get friends, that i could be a "normal" person by doing bad things. When i was bullied, i felt lonely and sad. It was really depressing. So i wanted to change. Trash talking, bullying, stealing, i did all. And i got friends. Bad friends. And still not happy.
I am still trying to figure out what is wrong and what is right. It's not easy to find a path that can make you happy.
The MC reaction is trully realistic in my opinion. He went through a lot to finally fit in the society he believes, absolute. And when seeing that girl all happy and loved, i believe he felt betrayed and lost. But he still don't know what is that feeling. And this led him to react like that, reject her, hate her and such..

Wrong. I'm considered morbidly obese, sweetie. I was bullied for being fat. There was a girl who was about the same size as I was at the time I was in grade school. She never got bullied and while I thought of her as a friend there was huge resentment on my part towards her, especially when she made it clear that she thought it was the victim's (in this case, my) fault for getting angry when others tried to get a rise out of them. I always had the thought that she thought of herself as superior and couldn't wait for her to find out how society treats those who are fat or to see her fall flat on her face.

Thank you, hyoeng! I've just been different, though, since I've always thought that those who hate people like the MC are the true fatphobic people. They think that fat people should just suck it up and never feel any resentment for being treated like sh!t all their lives then having their torment trivialized when facing someone in similar circumstances who appears to have lead a happy and loving life unlike them. It's almost as if fat people aren't allowed to feel or have emotions... just because they're fat. And that IS fatphobia to a tee.
I also have to point out that the MC never said or did anything to the girl whom he called disgusting and a pig. He kept it to himself. So those like Fake Love are proving even more irrevocably that they think fat people are not allowed to have emotions.
I hope Fake Love learns not to be fatphobic as they themselves have mentioned that they also used to be fat. Ktbn, Fake Love.

There is one thing I would like to point out. All we see is how she is currently accepted by the people around her, therefore making her happy. But we don’t know of her past circumstances. Since she has a bright personality, we assume she has never gone through anything to change that. However, people are different and some people grow stronger through the experience. She might have also been bullied or hated in a way, but she grew to accept herself. She then either had a friend from the beginning or made some new friends who accepted herself. This could be a reason for her personality differing from the MC’s. Things are not always what they seem on the surface so maybe we are wrong that she has never gone through any hardship because of her weight.
As someone who used to be fat and used to be bullied how can u call someone overweight disgusting and a pig? what the fuck is wrong with u.Maybe god should've blinded ur fucktard eyes and left u like a piece of shit that u,are. seriously.