It's been a long time since I've read this yaoi so I may be wrong but in my memories it's like that : being raped by his step father was horrible for him, it must have hurt pretty bad (tho he didn't beat him or anything but still). So as self protection, Yashiro must have thought "I liked this kind of sex, it was pleasurable" instead of "it was so disgusting I want to die"... Something like that. A way to escape reality to stay sane I think. And then it must have evolve to "I feel pleasurable if it hurts".
Damn writing this made me feel so angry... To think there are real children that have gone through that... All rapist should go die blergh x(
I have a question concerning Yashiro trauma I believe it was propably answered in a chapter but I dont remember which one...
I know that it s because of his step(?) dad raping him in his childhood that yashiro started to look for Violent painful and abusive Sex, and to be disgusted by affection and kindness while having intercourses, but i dont remember if it’s because His Dad was violent so to cope with the trauma he came up with this « I dont feel anything if it doesnt hurt » and to believe he likes it like that, or because on the contrary his dad was gentle when raping him so to cope he went for the exact opposite, Violent and abusive sex with No Love?