It's a problem irl but even then, if the way you treat them is not disrespectful or creepy, literally no one needs to know or should care. It's the action that counts not the thought. Let people fetishize what's they want but as long as it doesn't translate into their behavior towards such people, it isn't a problem.

Then that's fucking terrible and they shouldn't be that way. It's disrespectful and weird to objectify someone and treat them disrespectfully without their explicit consent. So you're right in that sense but as long as they keep it to themselves and don't harass anyone, it's ok with me. Because attraction doesn't always translate to action.

I count myself as fujoshi because I like BL, saying that fujoshis are awful people is close minded. I like men, and I prefer my smut to have 2(+) men, rather than any women, which I am not attracted to.... How in your mind is that being awful? That is saying that some denotes all, which is not the case. There are outliers in all types of people, and including the ones you said were awful, they are the outliers. Please think before speaking or typing
What a sigh of relief. About 2 years ago just when i gotten into yaoi and a newly fujoshi, i've read this before and i finally found it again just when i forgotten about this.