I can understand why Ewon is reluctant to give his heart to Mookyul.. He is afraid it will...

Anon_aug June 10, 2019 3:14 am

I can understand why Ewon is reluctant to give his heart to Mookyul.. He is afraid it will be trampled on.. coz at the end that’s all he really has.. himself.. . and that’s exactly what Mookyul does.. craps on it. Ewon’s reaction later is hardly surprising. If I were in his place I would go batshit crazy.

Just that Mookyul could lie with a straight face makes me cringe. I know that Ewon is no saint and most likely deserves to get a taste of his own medicine but anyone would be fucked up when they are made to feel guilty about a pure relationship between a ‘father figure’ & ‘son’, to later find out the immorality of that relationship. Not only did Mookyul lie, he brazenly declares he won’t stop seeing his ‘father’. Should Ewon have forgiven him later on so easily? I don’t think so.. but the only solace I get is that Ewon gives Mookyul, HELL, when he considers leaving his place to go live with his family.

So none of the characters here are innocent but that doesn’t stop the second hand hurt, I feel for Ewon. I am dreading it for when Ewon finds out.

    Sherlockfighter June 10, 2019 5:40 am

    All you saidd is true. And don't forget to add Ewon just has to look or talk to another guy and Mookyul starts to act possessive. But than he can have a double relationship and Ewon is supposed to take that lying down

    Anon_aug June 10, 2019 6:01 am
    All you saidd is true. And don't forget to add Ewon just has to look or talk to another guy and Mookyul starts to act possessive. But than he can have a double relationship and Ewon is supposed to take that lyi... Sherlockfighter

    Absolutely....and just coz the chairman saved Mookyul as a kid, Ewon is supposed to understand & accept the illicit relationship. Though to be fair to Mookyul doesn’t think of the chairman as a father or father figure clearly, he definitely knows what he has with the chairman needs to be hidden & hence he lies to Ewon multiple times. Mookyul wants Ewon all to himself but doesn’t understand the simplest of concepts of reciprocity in love or otherwise. Just coz the chairman is an important figure in his life, Ewon is supposed to accept it all and not utter a word meanwhile if Ewon as much as looks at another guy, he flips his lid off. I mean how can someone not understand that the other person feels the same way.

    Angie_Angel June 10, 2019 12:06 pm

    Yes, you said it.
    All Ewon really has is his HEART.
    I'm crying again

    Hikikomori June 10, 2019 1:54 pm

    Well Ewon sure has had his fair share of fun and even cheated on his previous partner but it was no mystery to Mookyul. And for a person who has trauma about getting too attatched to someone or something, I think he was pretty devoted to Mookyul. He risked his solitary life that he'd led up to this point to stay with Mookyul and that's why it totally crushed him to know that Mookyul was not entirely faithful and even lied about it. That's why he's so heartbroken and says to mookyul that he has no idea what he's given up just to be with him. To be honest it amazes me how normally and sensibly Ewon turned out given his fucked up childhood. His own mother left him to die in a cave and then after trying so hard so he could see regret on his mother's face for abandoning him, he sees her smiling happily with another child. Even imagining that is cruel but he still keeps himself together and strives to become better in life and decides to live for himself. I know he's not an innocent guy and he has his ugly moments too but then everybody does. That is why I really love and admire Ewon Jung. Actually in some ways Ewon needs Mookyul's possessiveness nevertheless Mookyul is too overbearing sometimes. They both have their flaws but they try to work on it because they love each other. Actually obsessed is more fitting but anyway all's well that ends well.