I don't know how far in the comments you've read back, but if you think that Seunghee was universally liked here, you're dead wrong.
Seunghee has/was constantly shit on, in this site in particular, for being a cunt. Coddle? the majority of people here hate(d) his guts (me included), especially during the earlier chapters. Hell, most people hated this couple when the time came for their arc; most people wanted Kyubin and Seungtaek to come back. So you need to stop with the self-victimisation of Suhyeok, because he's always been one of the fan favourites here.

wow... this is honestly such an eye-opener... I have to admit that at first, I was one of those people that was suspicious of Suhyeok because of his actions and seeming lack of emotion. I thought that maybe he was just stringing Seunghee along for whatever reason he had, like trying to date a boy or something along those lines, and for that reason, I felt upset at him whenever he did something slightly inconsiderate to Seunghee. But you're right. We need to realize that these are 3D characters with complex pasts and emotions, so we need to throw away our expectations of what we typically find in yaoi relationships and realize that there needs to be an understanding of both characters in the relationship rather than an expectation, and even a demand, for the characters to be lovey-dovey and perfect and pure at all times. Thank you for voicing your opinion and bringing this to light

Actually the majority were upset for two reasons
1. Seunghee wasn’t the “MC” and they would rather see him because he does drag and thats so fresh and way better than a cliche best friends to lovers story
2. Omg I thought the story was supposed to be about Seunghee. Why is he on the cover if its not about him?!
No one wanted to read Kyutaek because people thought it was cliche and they wanted to see the kid in drag. Also Suhyeok was never a favorite, opinion was neutral cuz people still had a hard on for pedo ahjussi and didnt know wtf to make of Suhyeok. Now Inbeom has won everyone over bc Seunghee has a positive perception of him so suhyeok has gone from neutral to cold.

Off-topic and going into semantics here, but what Seunghee does isn't drag, it's just cross-dressing
Um, you must have not been here for September last year at the least where Seunghee hate was at it's peak back then (and when the story truly transitioned into Suhyeok's and Seunghee's arc, round chapter 40-50). With the main reason for the hate being his attitude and 'anti-social' personality (start from date:page 107 for the Seunghee defending posts as to get a glimpse at the amount of hate he got).
Suhyeok was definitely a fan fave while Seunghee was constantly shit on because Seunghee was an ass to him. Thankfully the heat started to die down round mid-October and people started to come around but he still got a shitload of hate .
>1. Seunghee wasn’t the “MC” and they would rather see him because he does drag and thats so fresh and way better than a cliche best friends to lovers story
Back when Drag Race Frenzy was still rapid, but I will concede on that. I remember seeing those kinds of posts
>cuz people still had a hard on for pedo ahjussi
They were just a vocal minority, no? Most people were DRAGGING pedo and his stans iirc and giving Suhyeok his deserved appreciation for stopping that in its tracks later on and the pedophile apologists were rightfully DRAGGED, seeing as the most popular posts here are the ones dragging them.
I was one of the OG Inbeom stans, ahead of the times, my MIND.

I'm disappointed this is all you got from this and from both this reply and the other, I feel like you're being hostily because I hurt your feelings possibly in my other reply. Don't feel that way, if you do. Many people here engage in constructive discussions and we're always open to each other's opinions. It'd be good to keep an open mind and don't feel like I'm personally attacking you.
Suhyeok is definitely not a fan favourite. I'm not sure where you get this from because the recent pages of these comments section is all suspecting Suhyeok when the boy has only been shown to be a quiet person. When did you start following this manhwa? You missed a lot of the hate from the Kyubin/Seungtaek arc, especially at the start. Most of the recent comments and especially those from even the start are mainly Seunghee-supportive. Anyone else who reads this reply, please offer your opinion if you think so.

Yes, completely agree! People have mostly favoured Seunghee because he was the first character to be shown and he's refreshing because he does drag. And you are so right with the hate for Kyutaek. I thought this was fairly blatant to everyone, so I'm not sure why Wonderlust thinks differently? It's easy to check the oldest comments, it was so filled with hate for KyuTaek. :(

Oh, I missed the second part. I'm really not sure why you think people hate his guts. Just look at the recent comments.
Where was I self-victimising Suhyeok? I really think you need to calm down and not take this personally... Everyone is having a nice time discussing and giving their criticism but you're making this unnecessarily hostile.

person who read from the start here. yea, you're right. seunghee is and still is one of the most liked characters on here. (he's mine lol) idk what the person wonderlust is talking about because the hate train for suhyeok and kyutaek is REAL, even me as a seunghee fan is sick of it. they feel like akgae fans of a kpop band lmfao
add on: akgae fans are fans of solo members of kpop band and often sabotage the other members

hey! thank you for being nice about this. i was worried i'd piss off people since someone took offence to my post, so i'm glad we can have a calm and nice discussion about this manhwa. it's okay, i totally understand you. i sometimes have favourite characters like that too who i want to give the world to, or at least, i hope something particular happens. and then i get disappointed when i don't get what i want. for this manhwa, it's actually a couple, inbeom and seungtaek HAHAHA (i want them to meet again and become friends). but i realised it wasn't a good habit since i was putting my expectations on a plot that belonged to someone else :(
"We need to realize that these are 3D characters with complex pasts and emotions, so we need to throw away our expectations of what we typically find in yaoi relationships and realize that there needs to be an understanding of both characters in the relationship rather than an expectation, and even a demand, for the characters to be lovey-dovey and perfect and pure at all times"
that is exactly what i wanted to say, you phrased it perfectly. there's more to lovey-dovey cookie cutter romance, these are people in a relationship who are more than just being the girlfriend/boyfriend of someone.

I was being facetious about the drag comment but yes he does/did cross dress.
I’ve been reading since chapter 1 and even watched the cartoon before the manhwa translations caught up so I’ve watched the ebbs and flows of public opinion. I wont say no one called Seunghee out on his attitude problem, but as it always has been, it was swept aside because he’s a closeted gay crossdressing kid whose abandoned by his family so ppl always defended him and didn't hold him accountable. Also a lot of readers share ( which is a credit to the writer) Seunghee’s paranoia in that they think literally everyone is out to get him and do him harm.
I do agree the ahjussi pedo fans were loud and rightfully dragged but I point that out to underline the trend that for a lot of Seunghee fans here, whoever he has a positive opinion of, they do too. Seunghee’s perception has ruled this comment section.
I’m not saying people hated Suhyeok but he was nowhere near a favorite, it was more neutral with him. He was an alternative to the pedo for a lot of people but he was also kinda just there, because again at the time Seunghee didnt know him and had no opinion of him besides annoyance.

I guess we tend to decrease the severity of something if it aligns with our own thoughts. Everyone is reading this differently hahaha
People who are neutral to Kyutaek or simply don’t care for them suffer from amnesia when it comes the flood of comments constantly whining about cliche plotlines and not reading until Seunghee and his wig show back up lol. Like they couldnt get it through their heads that the MCs would have different arcs and just complained all time that they were “tricked” by the cover and first few chapters.

hello! this got a bit long and i don't think anyone will bother reading this but first of all, i just wanna clarify that i was a reader of this manhwa since at least when chapter 13 was uploaded, and i feel like we all read this manhwa at different times and experience different types of reaction as each chapter was uploaded. i used to scroll thru the comment section religiously, and i felt compelled to add that seunghee wasn't being "coddled" and "adored" since the beginning. before his arc with suhyeok, there are pages after pages of people calling him a bitch and an asshole who couldn't chill bcs he kept pushing ppl away and hanging out with the ahjussi. i knew bcs i remembered the essays i wrote defending him and saying his character development has yet to come. but now that it did, and he rarely does act like how he did in the beginning too, i think it's unfair that people kept bringing it up, though admittedly rarely, nowadays. also, during the chapters showcasing the peak of kyutaek romance and the resolution to their problems, i'm pretty sure so many ppl commented on how cute and adorable they were that i thought it was all ppl commented abt in the comment section. my point is: readers of this manhwa can be passionate to the point that each chapter will warrant at least 5 pages of comments, so it's easy to miss out on comments hating on this character or adoring that character. there were times where a character was vehemently hated (ie seunghee) but it passed. there were times kyutaek was everyone's otp, but that also passed as the spotlight shifted to seunghee x suhyeok. there are times when kyutaek was hated, seungtaek as a person was hated, inbeom was hated, but it changes as the story shifted its focus. you get my idea. so i think its funny that ppl say "oh what are you talking abt? everyone hates this pairing, just look at the comments etc" when there were times that particular pairing was once adored, but ceased to be as the story progressed.
next, i do agree that seunghee shouldn't be defended for his attitude problems just bcs of his past. it should not a justification, though it was meant for readers to understand where he is coming from. he is a character that was meant to undergo character development. and he did. he has a shitty personality before, but when did we ever see him acting up now? he's willing to talk with suhyeok abt his problems in the previous chapter, he learnt how to communicate from his part time job, and he finally has friends! readers who defended him by saying he can act hostile and rude bcs he experienced trauma are doing it wrong. he's hostile and rude bcs the author wanted his character to develop, not to cling to his past just to justify his actions. just my two cents. ppl should not be justifying and defending his actions from before, bcs ppl should be acknowledging his growth instead.
i totally agree with all you said abt suhyeok. ppl judged him before he even has his own pov chapter! we don't know anything abt him, we don't know what he was thinking and his story wasn't fleshed out fully as of yet. yes seunghee has every right to get mad at him but we don't even know the root of why he did it and what his actual feelings are. it's just too soon to conclude that he's a bad character. he is obviously meant to have his own arc abt his background story, his reasons for doing things, and why he fell for seunghee. because yes i'm spoiling this, suhyeok loves seunghee. you hv solid points there, and i wish ppl stop seeing suhyeok as just another background character meant to just be seunghee's bf, and see him as a character who is just as flawed, complex and well-written as the others.

You're right! This webtoon has over 100 chapters and things always shift when the arcs pass. Like I said we all remember things differently because of our perspective so I’ll agree to disagree on Seunghee being a favored character. I do still think that some people short sightedly let his perspective guide their reading of the story.
Suhyeok definitely gets forgotten and its a shame because I think he’s an alright kid. I wish the creator spent more time exploring who he is outside of Inbeom and Seunghee. And honestly even if his intentions weren’t the purest in the beginning, which wasn't he upfront with Seunghee about wanting to plot against Kyubin? So I don't think he was that secretive and “shady”. Suhyeok has the least amount of blood on his hands, next to Seunghee of course, so I’m glad it was resolved relatively quick. It also showed growth on Seunghee’s part to forgive and hear Suhyeok out.

hey! yes, i've seen you around before. you were arguing with someone called seunghee i believe. it was during the time where people were bashing kyutaek or something. i remember since that person often comments on my posts.
i agree with some of what you said, but i have to clarify several of my points that you've mistaken. i've never said that seunghee was coddled all the way. my discussion refers to now, and if you think differently that people aren't favouring seunghee over suhyeok unfairly, there's not much to go off on since the core opinions are different.
about your point on seunghee's past and how he has not acted up recently, i'm not sure what you mean. i never did bring up seunghee's past because i think he is still that kind of person so he deserves hate. nor have i said that he's acting up right now, but he gets a pass. i used him as an example: it's understandable for seunghee can act hostile based on his trauma (reference to several of the topics in the discussions) while suhyeok's past has been ignored since his emergence for how he acts.
please don't think of me as thinking of seunghee as a bad person. i can't remember if he's your favourite character, but i really hope you don't take offence. i love that he has character growth.
for your point about seunghee being annoying to some, i agree. but personally for me, i feel like the kyutaek hate was a lot more than the annoyance towards seunghee. i've actually gone through the comments section just today but of course, we can each have different opinions. i've roughly counted the comments during the kyutaek arc and the hyeokseung arc, the ones demanding for seunghee to return are much more than those that are asking for kyutaek to return. i'm not sure if you're a person who produces creative work, but it gets heartbreaking to see things like that. but anywho, let's focus on now. would you agree that seunghee is one of the more well-liked characters? for me, going through the comments, it seems fairly blatant people are accusing suhyeok of so many things baselessly in an effort to make sure seunghee is protected.
(also, something i just thought of. i'm curious: what's your take on why this manhwa is rated at 9.3 despite having a good plotline, when other manhwas average higher with the same quality? for me, i'm quite sure that it's because people hate kyutaek with a passion. the low ratings were especially strong during the front part of the manhwa, aka it's likely they disliked the twist. they expected a love triangle with seunghee in the centre, didn't get one, and horribly thought the manhwa was terrible because they didn't get the ship they wanted. you can check twitter as well, during the time mangago first released this manhwa, it was hell. absolutely hell. it was the most disrespect i've ever seen to an author.)
tldr; i agree with some of your points. people were annoyed with seunghee, i will never deny that. you're right that the comments fluctuate. but again, my point wasn't that seunghee has never gotten hate. but currently, the hate for suhyeok is mad and people are coddling seunghee. there are very few that hate on seunghee now, don't you think so? while before this chapter happened, suhyeok has been termed as suspicious, having nasty intentions, etc. when he has barely done anything.
so i just want to make it clear: my comment on this current time is referring to the current time as well, not that it's applicable to every part of the manhwa. it would not make sense if i suddenly wrote a topic telling people to stop hating on seunghee. people are bound to ask, "what? where?". nor would it make sense if i ranted about how people hate inbeom like crazy when the discussion section has been celebrating him.
and if we really want to do a comparison for the whole history of the manhwa, the hate for suhyeok and kyutaek is much more to me, personally. you can tell by counting the comments during each arc and how vile some can get. but i get that it's your opinion and ofc it's a hassle to go through the discussion section (it totally was for me), and i completely respect that. i've never seen people wish for him to leave the manga, while kyubin and seungtaek have gotten such comments.
to reiterate, people were annoyed at seunghee, but by coddled, i hope you understand that i meant he currently is coddled. aka people are mainly supportive of him now. my comment a few days ago was referring to the current arc, not previous arcs.

hey! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ HAHA this is a little random but i was wondering if you’re a big fan of this manhwa too? i really love it like crazy and so finding someone like you who appreciates it more as a piece of work than how shippable everyone is really made me happy! It’d be fun if we could discuss things together, and I can share with you some cool stuff I found from the author!! I have this rated KyuTaek comic the author released that can’t be accessed by most people, if you’re interested! (HAHAHA maybe i’m tired so i’m more alright with being shameless)

(I’m so bad at doing mangago discussions since i always have something new to add)
My comment didn’t really talk about the things i agreed with so it may sound like i actually totally disagree with you, but it’s really just because im tired so i didn’t bring those up. I also have gotten coffee and realise i sound so rude in my previous comment, i’m sorrt for that :( in my head i was talking in the most passionate-excited-nerd tone ever but... why did it come out so angry...
Also, u put it really well. “people at different times have different experiences.” Spot on! you said that people, because of when they read, they don’t realise the reactions then. I mostly read on tappytoon during the start, so i never realised how badly people hated Kyutaek until some guy mentioned it and I backtracked. And i totally agree with you that seunghee was annoyin for some people. I should have mentioned that, but because i was more focused on now, i left that out which gave off the wrong impression. No character has gotten no hate at all.
Also I think it’s because of the phrasing of your second point, I couldn’t really understand so my original reply to that is me focusing on *if* u meant that i brought up seunghee’s past to say that he’s a terrible person currently but no one is saying anything. I can’t remember if I put a “if you meant this, then this is my reply” thingy, I might have forgotten because I was just writing whatever comes to my head in a rush. Beyond that, i feel the same. I love that u brought up that we shouldn’t cling to their past. Yea, i acknowledge it. But they arent static characters. The growth is what should be focused on, i love that part.
Btw when i brought up the user Seunghee, i left out WHY i remember you guys, dummi me. It’s because your profile picture was Suhyeok and the user’s name was Seunghee, so I found it quite funny like the couple was arguing HAHAHA

(the last paragraph of your last comment cracked me up lololol)
now that i'm calm now, i feel like the first para of my reply is unwarranted and irrelevant. maybe i was being extra sensitive so i poured my heart out on ppl fighting over which character has the most hate comments and you became the unfortunate person to see my rant in all that. it's justifiable to say that seunghee has the most support right now, and of course some of his fans have acted out of line so it's fair for other ppl to call them out. i don't mean to accuse you attacking seunghee bcs noooo you didn't and what you said was all valid criticism to his fans, so i also apologise if i crossed the line with the things i've said. maybe the time when the seunghee-hate was at its peak burned so much into my mind that i get defensive for no reason. right now, i agree with your stance that suhyeok was bashed in order to protect seunghee even though it was too soon to judge him baselessly without knowing the exact reason he did what he did. the current situation is just that and it's unfair for suhyeok when his personal arc has barely begun. and regarding my take on why the average rating for this manhwa is so, i think its bcs the author made it available for the fans to take sides, and the ones who are unhappy that the story didn't progress to where they'd like it to be rated it low. they're either unhappy that certain pairing is happening or certain character receive some spotlight, which basically includes your opinion on the kyutaek hate as well. we may not see eye to eye on that since we experienced different perspective, but i think what you think is valid.
regarding my second para on seunghee's attitude and his past, oh noooo i wasn't disagreeing with you. i was agreeing and adding my two cents on what i think ppl should be doing instead of defending his once crappy attitude with his traumatic past. his past might be a mitigating factor and a clarification on why he behaved that way but of course, there is no excuse for bad behaviour. i just think ppl should encourage his growth instead of making his character stagnant by defending his past behaviour and continuously associating him with it.
(yes my fav character is seunghee. i relate to him bcs im gay and my family didnt take that fact well. it was a traumatic experience and i lost trust with most ppl, but i guess i'm not as antisocial as seunghee, i still mind my manners towards other ppl. i don't think his problematic past is excusable in anyway but i understood him in a sense)
and i agree on all of your points with suhyeok. i think you elaborated on that so well that i don't think i need to add much. i love it and i hope ppl would open their eyes and anticipate where this story is heading and how both of them will resolve this predicament instead.
(i do produce creative work (as a hobby but i follow enough professionals to know the arduous lifestyle they have to go through) sk i get what you're saying and feeling. and it's valid).
pls don't apologise! you are so far one of the most decent commenters around, and it's fruitful and fun having discussions with you. i can practice my english and get the gears in my head turning too. i do apologise again if i hurt you or accuse you of anything.

yes! i wish his character is fleshed out more and given more spotlight. i love him and i think the things he did was not more problematic than what the rest of the characters did, so i think ppl should be giving him the benefit of the doubt and some chances as well. i agree with everything you said, especially on the creator's part. i, for one, would absolutely love to have a few long chapters where we can get inside suhyeok's head and see who he really is.