Hello, I'm just asking if you have already read this kind of manga but weren't able to put...

Zetty June 9, 2019 1:59 am

Hello, I'm just asking if you have already read this kind of manga but weren't able to put in this list

The seme is kind of bisexual coz he was married

I think it's a one shot and it's about these two guys who were a couple during University years and


they are both artists (artwork or paint, I forgot) and they're living together. But the seme's potential pales to that of the uke and is being anxious about it. They broke up. The seme them married a woman and had a child together.

The uke was successful but didn't get a lover...

This was a very heart-warming manga for me so I would like to read it again.

    Tezz June 10, 2019 8:37 am

    Hm, sorry but I don't think I've come across the manga you're talking about. Oh, but if you have any more manga that you think should be on this list then feel free to let me know.

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