Not me. End their story and just give me Mo and He Tian all day. :’P

lol damn savage. I mean I prefer He Tian and Mo too so it’s not like I completely disagree but it’s not like they said to end the moments of He Tian and Mo, they just said to add “more moments” of Xi and the other one. Slight overreaction much? Some people ACTUALLY care about all four and want to see the story be about ALL four again. I know a lot of us care about He Tian and Mo to the point where we couldn’t care if Zhan and Jian Yi died off and never appeared again but don’t you think that’s a little fucked up? It’s their story too, it’s a collective story of all four and for the past two years it has been mainly focusing on He Tian and Mo’s story, and there are going to be some people who care about the story and plot line as a whole and the character’s connections as a whole and not just THEIR SHIP. There are some people who want a proper balance to the story again. Maybe I say this because I know I’D be saying exactly what this OP anon is saying, but in reverse because He Tian and Mo are my precious face cuties, if the author completely abandoned He Tian and Mo’s storyline for two years and put them on the backburner instead and I try not to be a hypocrite. I’d definitely be like “GIVE ME MORE HE TIAN AND MO! DONT FORGET ABOUT THE OTHERS TOO!”
Although I prefer He Tian and Mo and wouldn’t mind the focus on them lasting a little longer, it’s completely true that the others’ storyline have been put on the backburner for a very long time. We still need to learn more about who’s after Jian Yi, see Xi properly tell Jian Yi he likes him back, see Zhan Zheng Xi’s childhood, Jian Yi’s father, etc. It’s not like their storyline is done. Neither of these couples are officially together, together yet. Both couples have a lot of story left to be told. So although you may not like them which is fine, I feel meh about them as well it’s probably best not to say “end their story” when their story is what started it all and led us to having He Tian and Mo today as they all have a connection in some way. :)
I don’t care about Zhan Zheng Xi and Jian Yi tbh, that’s just me, but I also would never say to “end their story”.