I had the chance of working as a caretaker. I'm also an introvert. I like spending my free time at home/to my self and unless it's for shopping/grocery, I'm mostly at home. Your case is common I would say. I know a teacher who said she is an introvert but many were surprised because she was easy-going, free and just social, so.. yeah. You could say, in society (whether it be related to work or just interacting with people) we put personas/masks to socialise with people.

same here- similar work and also love to be alone- though...
take care that it doesnt turn into depression or something. to talk with friends is diffrent than talking with people from work (co-workers and ... clients? (lol))
I mentioned depression bec. when you not only want to be alone...
you said you also suffer from 'anxiety' that could be a hint.
Wenn du reden möchtest, kannst du mich gerne anschreiben :*

thank you all for you replies <3 I feel less weird now that I read it is not that uncommon to be like this c: and @ivy yeah i know what you mean, i am having a hard time figuring out if i really just enjoy being alone or if its just "easier" to shut myself out from others :D ( dunno how else to say it ;D ) and thank you for your kind offer <3
So I work as a caretaker for children in a kindergarten and obviously that is a job that requieres a lot of interaction with other people. But in my free time I am much more of a introverted person. I reallllly treasure the time I have outside of work and love to spend it alone. I am mostly content with it and even if my friends are sometimes a bit bothered by it, most of them accept it. It doesnt really makes me have problems with my work and I always just assumed, well maybe because I have a job were I have to talk a lot with people, I like to compensate that with spending my free time on my own. But then I really dont like crowds and can get a bit anxious when I have to do shopping, take trains and so on. ( When I am at work its kinda different because its „work“ and a safe enviroment? Idk its difficult for me to explain, sorry ) So for some time now people always think I am lying if I tell them that i am not really much of a sociable person outside of work adn that I wouldnt do that job if I would be a introverted person. Want I want to ask now is, is it really that uncommon to work in such a job with a personality like that? Or iam I not really introverted but have something anxiety issues? I hope I could bring across what I am struggling with, since my english isnt always the best :D <3