Professionals help are not always needed to overcome those fears lol. And isnt better to prolong the topic to see how serious yuyangs problem is and yet people see it as some baby trantums. His reaction is far more normal depending on his cause just saying. Problems of others is not little as u sees it so dont be little those problems because it literally happens in real life

Mhm, and also the "But he has a trauma", like, yeah i get it that it's not easy and sometimes people irl are afraid to move on for years, but this is a work of fiction, and we need that DEVELOPMENT, because so far there's been zero, and he's still exactly where he was 80 chapters ago. Do some people think 80 chapters is "too soon" to ask for some development or what
Lol ok im droping this crap, evvery chapter is the same damn thing, "boo hoo hoo, i dated a str8 guy and now im gonna mope around and be a little bitch all the time boo hoo hoo", this is getting nowhere really fast.