
Lucky June 5, 2019 4:25 am

I am hoping for a complete change in Yuyang's answer in the next update. Or else I'm going to be very angry.
But I'll still keep reading this because I love this too much to let it go. Or to blame DJun for the slow build. For some reason, I like torturing myself with slow build stories. Sighs. Then again, it is kind of realistic and reasonable that Yuyang has insecurities. Lihuan is the perfect kind of boyfriend. Yuyang seems to think that our little Huan is too good to be real.

    Manaacass June 5, 2019 4:06 am

    We can always blame Djun for all the pain.

    Lucky June 5, 2019 11:02 am

    Ahh, but sometimes he's too puppy-ish to be blamed..