YuYang is not listening at all...

carol_L June 5, 2019 3:11 am

This is very sad to witness, YuYang is trapped in his own memories and his worst possible thoughts... its hard to know how LiHuan can fight that.

    bubbletrouble June 5, 2019 3:26 am

    Love, and unyielding patience and support which Huan has both of :D

    god isn't real June 5, 2019 3:55 am
    Love, and unyielding patience and support which Huan has both of :D bubbletrouble

    Hope this is it! And it seems that he's headed that way too.

    carol_L June 5, 2019 4:03 am
    Hope this is it! And it seems that he's headed that way too. god isn't real

    But how can LiHuan get YuYang to listen? He is just pulling away.

    god isn't real June 5, 2019 4:48 am
    But how can LiHuan get YuYang to listen? He is just pulling away. carol_L

    Only by keeping up what he's been doing till now, showing his genuine feelings without overstepping Yuyang's boundaries. I actually think it's important that Yuyang pull away and get a clear picture of Lihuan's feelings and his own anxieties as two separate things. I think only then can he accept his own feelings, cause he's afraid of the pain his own feelings will cause him if Lihuan does leave, especially for a girl. Yuyang is on fragile grounds anyway, he needs to step away for a bit and clear his head.