If the roles where reversed, people wouldn't bat an eye...

Lauvil June 4, 2019 10:17 am

I really don't get why this manga is getting so much hate. If it was a handsome emperor and an unfortunate princess, people wouldn't even bat an eye. There are lots of stories like that out there, and people love them. So why is it a problem when the roles are reversed?

    Kisaki June 4, 2019 11:49 am

    Nope, I would've been the same. What the empress did was rape, it would've been the same if their roles were reversed and the way the guy was acting was also super stupid. The way he thought he could act high and mighty in front of the empress in her own castle when his country was already gone was asking to be killed. Their genders have nothing to do with it

    ms.nolife June 4, 2019 11:51 am

    Ikr? People forget that it's the world building/setting of the story. Apparently in this world they have something close to gender equality and they don't have the same social sensibilities and gender dogmas like irl. Honestly, people should just wait for the story to unfold more. Character development is impossible in 10 chapters in a manhwa--heck we're not even done with intro.