Don't allow "Blood bonk" talk to you in a snobby, condescending, rude manner get to you and intimidate you. That's a sign of an insecure person trying to appear superior to you. Arrogance and condescension is always a sign of weakness. Make yourself some standards of morality.

İ usually start with hobbies and when they are talk about their favorite TV series etc. İ ask if they now anime or manga. İf they know connection is completed:-) i have tons of subject to talk about. İf they not just keep going like tv series, books, lessons (student usually hate Sam teacher, like same classes or even not you have argument subject now:-)) ,animals, cooking, languages .... İf it keeps going still akward still talk because you don't have another choice :-) sorry

ask for her number and bombard her with memes. also, im actually being serious because it works (at least for me)

ask her about her day.
So this isn't manga related but I have nowhere else to ask xD There's a new girl in my school and I'm responsible for her but uhm, we are both extremely awkward. Anyone know any conversation starters or questions I could try??