Nope. Still hate Kyle. He is a fucking piece of shit. He thinks he's all that yet turns on people at the slightest sign of adversity then has the AUDACITY to say that the brother who was raped by HIS father is the one who needs forgiveness and yet never actually says he does. I wish the pos Kyle died like the trash he is.

God damn I hated Kyle too. Such a nasty, ignorant and self centered person. I would have literally kneeled down and licked the dirt off of Vinny’s shoes. And he then has the audacity to bring his lover to the wedding?? He’s acting like being oppressed is the worst a person can go through... suck it up, buttercup and don’t let your brother go through more pain. + after Sean and Kyle broke up he wasn’t fazed at all and just went on to fuck another dude... he left the city reminiscing about Sean and then... he just gets a new lover after like two seconds?? Ungrateful piece of shit!
people keep saying its happy ending