Don't hate me lol but I still can't sympathize with Sungho at all. How he raped, tortured,...

Unpopular opinion??? June 3, 2019 2:31 am

Don't hate me lol but I still can't sympathize with Sungho at all. How he raped, tortured, and abused Dohyun is just unforgivable. I understand how disturbed Sungho is from the past but is it really justifiable enough to commit these barbaric acts upon Dohyun?? Also, can someone explain why Dohyun is so submissive now? Is it perhaps because he's just utterly broken at this point and has given up? Idk, but it'd like to hear your guys opinions about this.

    Nikid1412 June 3, 2019 2:49 am

    Yeah I definitely think it is bc he has finally come to the realization that his life is and will be shit bc of everything that has happened to him so far. How he was abused by his uncle, also how sungho left him, and how everything after that has been shity situation after shitty situation so he just kinda gave up on life

    Anonymous June 3, 2019 2:52 am

    I agree. Whatever happened in the past, however they're relationship ended, Sungho's "revenge" isn't justifiable imo. And yeah Dohyun's broken. It upsets me and I hope more than anything he gets help.

    Anonymous June 3, 2019 3:11 am

    Sungho is not in a normal state of mind. He is mentally unstable. Either people understand this or not. This is not even out of ordinary. Every mentally unstable person who commits a crime, are actually confined in a mental hospital not a prison.
    There is a difference between sanity (you, me) committing a crime and a mentally unstable person committing a crime. Unless Sungho looks sane to you ... to me he sounds pretty crazy.

    Sans June 3, 2019 3:17 am

    I like to think on the positive side, indeed sungho is unstable, dohyun has Stockholm's(from recent chapters he's been slightly affectionate) but this might be a turning point for the both of them

    Anonymous June 3, 2019 3:28 am

    " I understand how disturbed Sungho is from the past but is it really justifiable enough to commit these barbaric acts upon Dohyun??"

    80% or more of Yaoi 'love stories' starts with a regular, normal guy raping someone else that will become their lover. Stories like 'Hidoku Shinaide' have a horrible start where a guy who has no excuse at all abuses and rapes a weaker one ... and this story has tons of fangirls rooting for them and thinking they are the cutest thing ever. Is Maya rape of Nemu justifiable? Have you ever ever posted on 'Hidoku Shinaide' asking about how can Maya rape Nemu and be forgiven?
    The reason I ask is not to attack you but to show how these stories where 'normal, average' guys who are not disturbed like Sungho accept rape as something romantic and start up but when the rape actually has a 'justification' --- like you said, Sungho is disturbed -- then it becomes impossible that the rapist goes to a redemption that is denied to the 'normal rapists'.
    Sungho's rape and treatment of Dohyun makes sense in his disturbed mind. He is way more deserving of forgiveness than the creep Mayas that permeates Yaoi fujoshis dreams.

    Fannibal June 3, 2019 1:07 pm
    " I understand how disturbed Sungho is from the past but is it really justifiable enough to commit these barbaric acts upon Dohyun??" 80% or more of Yaoi 'love stories' starts with a regular, normal guy rapin... @Anonymous

    His obsession towards dohyun has turned him to a deranged guy after dohyun left him.
    Also i think what dohyun said about him during chapter birthday replication, he said sungho was only able to express feelings through sex and not that he detested sex actually, he just preferred to be the dominant instead of the bottom he used to b in the school time. I started maybe dohyun was right about it. Perhaps sungho didnt notice that in the past.

    Also, did you happen to notice in previous chapter, when dohyun taking shower with sungho, there was a shady panel of a mysterious boy with green tape on his mouth?
    I think it could be a lead that something happened to him at the warehouse the night he was waiting for dohyun. Something terrible went down that changed his life ever since.

    Sugakookie June 3, 2019 1:08 pm
    " I understand how disturbed Sungho is from the past but is it really justifiable enough to commit these barbaric acts upon Dohyun??" 80% or more of Yaoi 'love stories' starts with a regular, normal guy rapin... @Anonymous

    I agree.