Ok I binge read this and one thing that gets to me is that the brother Michael isn’t the “villain” right? He’s something like a love rival right? Cuz if he’s a villain I think my heart is gonna hurt
That’s probably the case, but I don’t think he’ll have a big presence until the war stuff is settled down. Elise ain’t got time for that shit.
Thats true lol
While we’re on this topic when all the shit settles down who are you rooting for?
I like Michael but we all kill dad know that's not gonna happen so yeah( ̄∇ ̄")
Omg same I like Michael too !
I just realized that its corrected kinda for killed dad lol
Ok I binge read this and one thing that gets to me is that the brother Michael isn’t the “villain” right? He’s something like a love rival right? Cuz if he’s a villain I think my heart is gonna hurt