i kind of hate it.... just kind of

lolilickedyourcookie May 28, 2019 3:21 pm

This girl is a tyrant and these people don't even know how to spell sympathy. This precious cinnamon roll got raped, treated like some damn dress up barbie doll and had his wounds rubbed by a handful of salt even after losing his country and family. I hope her secret is worth just as much as this dog ass treatment he's getting. *chapter9*

    YuriBambi June 5, 2019 6:15 pm

    BITCH Would you say anything if that was a guy of course not

    If you can't handle this kind of shit then go ahead and read another manga

    lolilickedyourcookie June 6, 2019 11:20 am
    BITCH Would you say anything if that was a guy of course not If you can't handle this kind of shit then go ahead and read another manga YuriBambi

    excuse, don't assume that just 'cause i was criticizing a TYRANT for her cruel acts towards a pure boy that I'm ok with with a MAN doing the same to a pure girl so in what statement did you get me being ok with a boy rapping a girl?
    like tf is wrong with you but i don't mean a "girl rapping a guy" is exactly the same as a "a guy raping a girl" I THINK ITS EVEN FUCKING WORSE.

    lolilickedyourcookie June 6, 2019 11:28 am
    BITCH Would you say anything if that was a guy of course not If you can't handle this kind of shit then go ahead and read another manga YuriBambi

    PS: btw so a girl rapping a guy is ok with u? rape is rape, go preach about it to that cunt of a woman.