
Gone are the days when shipping just means transporting? Lol. I’m 30 and too old for this. But this shipping is irritating. Where are those readers who gets disappointed or excited about how the characters and the plot develop every chapter??? Where are those readers who appreciate and thank the writer for the time and intellect poured on every chapter??? It’s all about the story right? It’s entertainment. It’s a hobby. It’s an escape to reality and not making it reality.
Hey guys, let’s not argue! We can all express our opinions in a nice way. We shouldn’t be pitting one couple against the other. They are both from the same story. Even if you prefer one couple over the other, it’s not necessary to be rude and bash the other couple. Really think about it and ask yourself if there’s any reason to badmouth another couple.
At the start so many people hated KyuTaek just because they forced their own expectations on the author by wanting it to be a love triangle with Seunghee. That is sad because these people don’t respect the author or appreciate her creativity and refuse to budge on what they want, as if they are the ones writing the story. It seems to have died down now that Seunghee has a love interest, but why are people arguing about couples again?
I really think we shouldn’t approach a manhwa with the motive of shipping, like someone mentioned. It takes away all appreciation for the manhwa as a piece of creative work.