I really hope the author doesn’t make it a polyamorous relationship for convenience sake. Sihoo being so clingy and attempting to come between Myeonghan and Seungchan’s relationship to me makes no sense. Especially because the author has never bothered to have Myeonghan reveal his trauma schizophrenia to Sihoo of ten years, and Sihoo still barely knows Myeonghan. Ten years enough to be total strangers to one another. Why should Myeonghan upset his relationship with Seungchan who’s been supportive of him and has known the current Myeonghan longer for the sake of satisfying fan service? The author is free to do whatever but the season already seemed unnecessary to me, let alone this drama that encourages bad communication and selfishness should be rewarded.
I know that Sungbeom is literally bullying our precious little muffin (aka Myeonghan) right now but don't worry guys. There will be justice for all the things he has done to Myeonghan. (literally)
From what I saw from the raws, yeah, he will be exposed for what he has done. Reason cuz he already loved Sihoo back then before college. He'll continue putting the blame on Myeonghan as always and will try to hurt Myeonghan with a razor of some sort and that's where the Justice I was talking about (aka he got sent to the police). He gets smacked in the head by his dad for that as well. (lol).
Weird thing is after the whole bullying incident, like it was like the three of them formed a 3 person relationship. Or maybe its just Sihoo who is clinging around Myeonghan, hoping there will be a chance for him to be loved back. I'm not sure since the last few chapters were only showing them hanging out together.
here is is the raw if you guys wanna read it yourself