wait... the last story? arent they siblings now????????? haaahhh?

Haron Chan December 27, 2013 7:43 am

wait... the last story? arent they siblings now????????? haaahhh?

    Anonymous October 22, 2014 8:22 pm

    Yes but somehow not. Because the mother has left her and she has not properly educated.

    Otaku X August 18, 2017 9:55 am

    I don't think so. They're not siblings since her mother left so they must've made her sign some documents breaking off their mother/daughter relationship. The lady (mother) had a new life that doesn't concern her anymore since they broke off the relationship yet she just supported her from afar. So I don't think that they're siblings. Though the mom kind of pissed me off. She left her child alone for 10 years without contacting her. She could've explained what happened. Giving the daughter money isn't going to patch all those missing years. Both stories are good but the mother just seems to piss me off. If I was the mother I would've at least tried talking to my daughter even just for a brief seconds. Yet this lady just led a second life abandoning her daughter giving her a few bucks and a house... Are you serious? It's as if oh my daughter! It's been a decade here some cash did you know I watched over you? As a daughter you'd want a mother who'll love you and won't abandon you. Worst mother ever. #-.-)
