Omgs thank you.They keep blaming Haero and calling him dramatic.But they don't understand how hard it is for a person to lose your loved one over sth you can't give them even if you tried.To watch your partner marry a man just because he can give her a child.I do blame Nami for her actions.She used Don's situation to force herself on him.And I don't feel sorry for her for 'wasting 10 years of her life'.That was her decision and she knew that Don didn't love her.And I also blame Don for not trying to reach and understand Haero.I blame Haero for not trying to talk with Don about his doubts.But I will never blame him for leaving bevause of insecurities and depression.That's what straight people will never understand.
good for you that you liked, but I didn't liked this story has STORY! I"m not tallking about real life or not real life. I"m talking about how it is effect me has a imaginary plot - and has one it didn't do much for me. I didn't felt much for the character's and I didn't that I should care about them after they kept repeting what they did before in annoying circle.
yeas stories can try deal with real life issues, it totally fine. but no everyone seemed to feel connected to those character's, and I think this is the big problem here. in this story.
real life can stay in the real world.
I have a friend that give up on his 7 years girlfriend to marry someone he just met .. so if the 7 years girlfriend killed herself we'll call that 'LIFE' and 'you don't know how things are in the straight community' and 'death was only way not to get involved with him" blabla
How abt calling it 'dude never loved her' or fell out of love or is a fucking asshole
It doesn't matter what community you're in .. people can abondon you for a reason or another .. if the straight dude as you call him hh .. actually loved your friend and saw a futur with him he would have stayed but he didn't love him enough
So my point is .. people of ALL Communities leave people all the time it's hard for all of us
Reasons : differ
Result : is one
So forget abt the community nd look at the couple we have if you think Don will actually leave then giirl what can I say
Ps: please stop calling Don straight .. I know they cut out the sex scenes but boy do they have sex .. they have sex all the time therefore not straight
yeah and I don't blame you for that, everyone has preference. but it ANNOYS ME how many people in the comment section saying things like this and that, and yeah I understand, sometimes, or most of the times, real world should be separated from fiction world. But it would be nice too if people can change their point of view by some stories. and the author already told in their acc that they want this manga to be realistic as possible so people could change their perspective to lgbtq+ community in South Korea. anyway, thanks for the feedback
nah they did loved each others but ofc, you didn't know. And i agree, it's part of life and nothing is wrong with it. But my point is, i want people to NOT quick to judge by whatever haero did. I saw a lot of comments already about how they feel annoyed at haero actions. So that's why i share my stories abt my friend. idk why is it that hard to understand my point? Sorry then.
Also, ok i won't call don straight. but he isn't gay either. Boy didn't come out like haero did, but love haero. BUT he didn't sleep with any man other than Haero, which is only possible if you love one person bcs they are them, not bcs the gender
Ok so I'm calling myself a lesbian .. only fell for girls
One day I'm in love with a guy fell Hard like no one else before .. have sex with him and like it for YEARS on my own will because I love him ... day dream abt his abs all day .. BUT I'm still a lesbian .. you know why? Because hhh I fell for the person not the gender ?? I Swear it was one guy can I still be a lesbian pleaaase ????
No .. I'm bi now .. yes .. one dick nd I'm bi .. I can like a gender waaaaay more than the other .. still bi .. it's just how it works .. sexuallity is Fluid .. one day you realise you like something you didn't like the day before nd bi represent the MAjority of lgbt community nd always face this shit .. everyone thinking it's a PHASE including the damn partner who's like for exemple ....... hiii I may or may not leave in the middle of the night anywhere between today nd the eternety ahead of us
Why ..you may ask .. not because I don't love you but becaause you may go back to girls .. I hear they have tits
Then you commenter come in to tell me it's perfectly fine nd that dude is right ... and I should understand ... understand what? I'm here .. I'm commited nd he thinks I'm on some phase
What if I'm fat and thinks he needs a skinny person .. do I also get the right to abondon him in the middle of the night ? Being fat is so hard you know
Bottom line (it's about the actual story)
-insecured : cool let's talk join the club
-is it okey to tell me you love me .. let me fall for you ..run away in the middle of the night nd somehow it's my nd the society's fault .. coz with your superpowers concluded all was a phase: fuck no
-came back after 10 years begging for me back .. smooth talk me and fuck me ... then proceed telling me you may run again because you still think it's a phase : WHY THE FUCK ARE YOu BACK then .. nothing fucking changed.. we legit did this last time
Well in the end hh we can always agree to disagree
you don't know how lgbtq+ people are suffered. That's what happens to haero. he KNOW himself from the start. he understands his path, his way. but not with Don. He is straight from the start. but he fall in love with haero. And no, that's different from become GAY. that's love. i commented on one manga (i forgot the title) about how i have this close friend of mine who is gay and never believe that he deserves happiness. He then fall in love, with a straight man, just like haero and don did. The difference, this manhwa end up happily. (well about don have a child and it tied him with nami, so what? children did nothing wrong, so does nami, she fell in love, love is nothing wrong. The wrong thing is she forced her way to get her love. Don also not at fault, he tried to foget, but he still remember his one and only love. Haero too, he just fall in love, and the only wrong thing he did is running away) But my friend? He didn't get his love, he end up DIE. The death was the answer for his brokenhearted. The death was his only way to not get involved with the guy he fell in love with. And his past lover? married to a woman, and i heard, they are ready for their third child. This is LIFE. this manhwa is a lot like what happened in this society. Y'all who thought this mahwa is too dramatic, or haero being so annoying, or don being a confusing character, doesn't know anything at ALL. there are MUCH people out there that are afraid of them beibg themselves bc of society. Not all gay and lesbian stories end up happily ever after. still, im so satisfied with the ending, and i love ALL the characters include nami, she is so strong and i do adore her