great just great, I just finished watching The Heirs. And I hope I'm not here for another ...

winter May 25, 2019 5:45 am

great just great, I just finished watching The Heirs. And I hope I'm not here for another second lead syndrome because it hurts. Well I don't really know who the second lead syndrome is but if t's Gou Liu then yes it is second lead syndrome. I feel very bad for him because the main girl's being such an explosive btch. I mean I know arranged marriages aren't exactly good, I know she doesn't like him. But it's her fault for wearing the phoenix bracelet anyway and now she's just venting her anger at him. I stopped at chapter 20 for now I hope a good character development can occur.

    Phantom Shade June 12, 2019 2:38 pm

    The black haired bishounen is the ML (thank effing god)