
kaitharsis May 24, 2019 3:35 pm

Honestly, as a mediocre artist, I can somewhat relate to Doyeon. I can't paint my own art too and just draw imitations. I feel the same way, and it touched my heart—how she expressed her feelings. We had the same dream

I've realized that this webtoon not only focuses on the romance between the characters, but the growth of the characters individually as well. I love how the author connects the characters to the readers. So far, this webtoon is getting better and better. I love it, kudos to the author (sorry for being dramatic) :(

    Laura May 24, 2019 4:09 pm

    As a painter, I used to have a similar problem for a really long time (not anymore tho). Not necessary with finding my own art style, cause even now I don't think I have any specific one and I was never really worried about it, but I had trouble thinking what I want to paint, what themes and subjects I want to explore and in general had trouble doing work outside of my assignments.
    I don' know if this will help you, but it for sure helped me and it was finding interests outside of making art, or even any creative work in general. Because, after all, you take your inspirations from your surrounding, even subconsciously. Your mind works like this creative bank account and if you don't fill it properly with things that genuinely caught your interest, you'll have trouble making your own work. So books, movies, your dreams, spending time with people, sometimes even taking a walk and looking at things around you can be helpful and finally make you feel like "yes, this is want I want to paint!".
    And even if you still have no idea what to paint/draw/whatever form o art are you making, I suggest to do some life-drawing. I know that it can be boring, but doing studies (like anatomy, colour, perspective, whatever you need) and drawing things from life can be really helpful - it makes it easier to draw and paint from imagination later on, if you practice enough c:

    kaitharsis May 25, 2019 4:55 pm
    As a painter, I used to have a similar problem for a really long time (not anymore tho). Not necessary with finding my own art style, cause even now I don't think I have any specific one and I was never really ... Laura

    That's very nice of you to share your own experience and advice! Thank you!! Tbh I love making portraits, but since I am a fan of certain celebrities, I usually draw them since I can feel a lot of happiness whenever I do fanarts. However, most of the people doesn't really... Well, "appreciate" my fanarts. So there's that.

    But I guess that what you said is the truth! Observing and appreciating our surroundings would really help in getting inspirations in art. I'll try to do that more often! Art doesn't have any rules in it, so I guess that if I'm happy with what I'm doing or have a sense of accomplishment whenever I finish an artwork, then there's no problem with it.

    Thank you very much for this <3

    Laura May 27, 2019 6:50 am
    That's very nice of you to share your own experience and advice! Thank you!! Tbh I love making portraits, but since I am a fan of certain celebrities, I usually draw them since I can feel a lot of happiness wh... kaitharsis

    Oh, a lot of people - usually people who are not creative at all, or are how I call them "pretentious artists" who look down on people who make anything than realistic "original" works don't appreciate fanarts, but these people don't really matter, as long as you are enjoying making your portraits! And you are right, art doesn't have any rules and that's what is so great abut it, cause everyone can find their own thing in it
    No problem! It's fun talking about creative processes like this c: