Oh my ghadddddd hahahhahhhaha. I would have died. you gotta learn from your lesson. Been there. LOL.
Next time you gotta lock the doors and separate mangago into another window so you could quickly exit and also don't forget to never minimize the 'safe' windows so that when you click the close you have back up window and now it looks like you are just scrolling in the 'safe' window. HAHAHHAHAHHAHA We fujoshi's, or whatever anyone who loves bl calls themselves, leads a very anxious life LOL. God bless that may no happen again

Jajja i kow that feeling, happend the same to me but with my mom, i left my phone on top of one of the shelfs of the bathroom and when my mom went inside for some she found my phone and checked it, and obviously i was reading a manawga (so the picturez were colored) with highly sexual content....when i realized that i had forgotten my phone i ran to get it but it was too late, mom was sitting on the chair with the phone on the table and then she said 'we need to talk'....and i started to have headache, my palms were sweaty and felt dizzy, i wanted to

Jajja i kow that feeling, happend the same to me but with my mom, i left my phone on top of one of the shelfs of the bathroom and when my mom went inside for some she found my phone and checked it, and obviously i was reading a manawga (so the picturez were colored) with highly sexual content....when i realized that i had forgotten my phone i ran to get it but it was too late, mom was sitting on the chair with the phone on the table and then she said 'we need to talk'....and i started to have headache, my palms were sweaty and felt dizzy, i wanted to die then and there....and.....my mom's voice began to trembled and asked me if i was lesbian.....i mean if im reading yaoi (men having sex) why would she think im lesbian?? But yeah it was really bad

Oh my ghadddd, my nightmare right there huhu. I mean, I would rather they assume I watch porn (man and woman) than they found out I read, watch and listen to yaoi, I think, it won't be as big of a deal. I dunno. I hope you are okay. What did it felt and the situation after your conversation with your mom?

I couldnt face her for a while and worse of all shr told me she was really disappointed on me and asked mme if it was her fauld or if she did something wrong.....and i told her i was straight....after i thought the issue was over when we made a family trip to las vegas she mentioned to my brother in law and i dont know if my sped dad knows....and my sister knew since the beggining (she was the one who started with the yaoi first) so yeah you get use to it....what doent kill you makes you stronnger jajaja

you guys XD it happened again. u WOULD'VE THOUGHT I LEARNT MY LESSON HUH well apparently I didn't lmaooo
this time it was worse bc my brother opened a new tab and for some reason it opened the tab on the window I was using for reading yaoi ffs. there were several tabs open with names like "yaoi ----" and "kiss ----".
I don't think he saw. in any case he didn't say anything, I really think he didn't notice.
I want to thank everyone for this second chance ╥﹏╥
my older brother just came into my room and I was looking at a new yaoi I potentially wanted to read (with a really sexually suggestive cover ╥﹏╥) so I swiped the desktop over to the next one (I have a Mac so u can have several desktops open, like to keep ur open windows more organized or whatever), but then he decided he wanted to look at my computer so ofc I started to freak the fuck out.
guys my palms LITERALLY started sweating and they never do that. I tried to stop him but he started to get pissed, like "why are you freaking out stop being weird" and at that point I was so scared I didn't want to make him mad and take my computer so I was just praying he wouldn't accidentally or on purpose switch the desktops
good lord my heart nearly fell out of my chest. that was arguably the most stressful 5 minutes of my life.
Ok sorry for this non-coherent rambling but wow was I scared.