But Haesoo is manipulative as well? And he lies to himself a lot. And makes goddamn sure not to face the problems and runs away while being depressed over the fact that he's running away, and blames most of it on others, or fate, or their situation, or whatevs. I tend to do the same and not deal with issues to the point they become really hard to solve, so I'm def not saying that it makes him weak. Avoidant and finding comfort in his own misery though? Totally. That might be why some think he is weak. I don't think it's good to say he's just an innocent victim either though.
Both him and Jowoon deserve a hug and then a slap in the face, and then to go to therapy, and then to face the issues in their life upfront.

yeah! both heesu and joowon are fucked up imo lmao but i find it easier to sympathise with heesu and its probably bc we're reading it in his pov. i dont think all of the fault lies with joowon obviously bc both heesu and joowon are the ones who pursue it into adulthood.
i do agree that they both need help man... like please seek therapy.... for the betterment of yourselves jfjfjfjf
im still at a loss with how the team behind fools, something so wholesome and so cute, ended up making this hot mess and both are somehow equally interesting to read cjjffjjfjf i've always loved character driven stories more and im so glad this one has distinct characters that propel the story
that being said, im so over joowon's behaviour. might just be me but i instantly didnt like the guy ever since he was introduced. something about him has always bothered him, i cant tell if its a specific characteristic or multiple combined. haesoo is interesting to me bc theres something about him that hits home. ive never been in any similar situation as haesoo but like.. his thought process is so familiar to me and im over people calling him a weak mc when this guy has basically been groomed and manipulated since he was a teen. im not having it. taku is by far my fav and its mostly because i find his scenes the most intriguing to me like i still havent figured him out yet but thats the fun of his ~mysterious~ aspect.
also, just bc some ppl hate some characters that doesnt mean theyre a disservice to the story. if anything, the conflict the characters go through is what propels it and im here for it