I think this chapter emphasises that Inbeom really did torment Seungtaek to some extent. In the previous chapters, we only see one instance of Inbeom mocking Seungtaek. While it won't justify how badly Seungtaek beat Inbeom up the first time, it does show that Seungtaek tolerated it for a LONG time before snapping.
It's sad that Inbeom didn't know how to express his feelings or maybe even understand them. He loved Seungtaek, yet reasoned that he hated him, pushing these feelings down so far. He did the exact opposite of everything he should have done towards a boy he liked. He bullied Seungtaek to get his attention, not understanding how he felt. I honestly find it kind of Seungtaek to not expose him for crying in the classroom even though Inbeom kept bullying him.
It's sadder that Inbeom is still so in love with Seungtaek even now. After they fell, just being beside him has him blushing and being disoriented. He staggered away from Seungtaek while trembling and crying too. :( Really shows how freaked out he is, remembering every detail about how he likes Seungtaek.
Also this chap explains why Inbeom likes Seungtaek with longer hair (not sure if it's mentioned in the manhwa but I saw some trivia of it on the author's twitter---Inbeom likes Seungtaek with longer hair, Kyubin likes Seungtaek with shorter hair). Seungtaek had long hair when he comforted Inbeom.
OFF TOPIC but I feel a few people blame Seungtaek too much for what happened to Inbeom. I've always been advocating that people shouldn't brush off what Seungtaek did to Inbeom. He beat him up so badly that he had memory loss, and that's terrible. But Inbeom now isn't completely just due to Seungtaek's anger issues.
This chap made it clear that in elementary school, Seungtaek tolerated it for a good while before finally snapping and beating up Inbeom. And while the readers know that Inbeom was sincere when he confessed and kissed him, Seungtaek probably thinks it's completely BS that Inbeom likes him and Inbeom just wants to torment him in a twisted way, hence his violent reaction. What sane guy would beat up his crush and then kiss him?
And Inbeom's lack of friends was going to come sooner or later. True, Seungtaek contributed to it. But Inbeom never had any true friends. Once his reputation as the strongest in school was smeared, they left him.
Inbeom is really cute now and all, but we shouldn't forget that he was a delinquent back then. He's changed, but he used to be an asshole. Seungtaek shouldn't have fought with Inbeom, but Seungtaek didn't heinously beat up the current innocent, cute and dorky Inbeom. He beat up a guy who kept bullying him, beat him till his ear bled who kissed him without his consent.

Thank you for the explanation! Google translating can be such a hassle The current chapter shows an important part in seungtaek's character development as a whole, and he's getting higher up my list in terms of likeability. It's been a while since he owns up to what he did. Also, inserting my irrelevant opinion, I prefer seungtaek with long hair if anyone's asking.
Anyways, I hope inbeom will finally find closure and move on. I hope this will be the starting point to find his own happiness (with or without a lover) since he'll find out that seungtaek is together with kyubin soon enough. i want to see him working things out with them (since the author do own more clarifications) and then i want to see him thrive as a changed person for the better.

Well, I don't have anything else to say about Inbeom, at least no more than what you guys have already said, I agree to all that. Only that yeah, I'm so relieved that he's saved, at least physically. I wish for him and Seungtaek to have a proper talk and maybe to be friends.
Agh! I had a lot of emotions with this chapter. I never thought that Seungtaek could be that cute, I think he was really cute, even though he was lying hurt on the floor, no wonder Inbeom and Kyubin fell for him x3
I'm happy that Seungtaek was the one who saved him and that he regained his memories back too! And I'm much more happy to see Seungtaek not allowing Kyubin to take all the blame. That panel with their hands touching... OMG! That was the cutest thing I've seen in this manhwa They're so cute together! I'm so happy that Seungtaek kept his promise of not leaving his side anymore. He's such a good boyfriend now, just like Kyubin.
I was a little angry with the author with chapter 110, but now I'm so happy and I think things are going to get better and better

HAHAHA that's a good choice! For me, I don't know which Seungtaek I like the most. He's adorable when he has short hair and looks kind of like a goody-two-shoes, but he's handsome when he has long hair. I don't know why but somehow I find him kind of pretty looking, but I can't identify what makes him that way because compared to Seunghee (who is a pretty boy), his brows are thicker, his hair is standard and his eyes, while big, aren't exactly special like how Seunghee has glassy eyes. I don't know, maybe it's just me being biased because he's my favourite, so I see him as pretty.
Same, I really hope Inbeom gets a happy ending. I really feel bad for him (not that I blame Seungtaek for not liking him back, I never will). His parents clearly neglected and made him feel unwanted. He probably got into fights as a way of acting out to get love and attention. And when he fell in love for the first time, he couldn't understand and deal with it, so he bullied his first love and ruined any chance of being loved back. He made the person he loved hate him and even got beaten up by his love till he lost his memories. The fact that he innocently came back to the city, hoping to find out who he loved, only to remember fully what happened---How he was in love with a boy, how he repressed his feelings and tormented Seungtaek, how the love he's been searching for is the very guy that beat him up so badly he lost his memories... :(
It makes even sadder that it wasn't just a crush that blew over, he really did love Seungtaek and clearly still does. It's been years, and even through a memory loss, he actually still loves Seungtaek. My heart scrunched up seeing him so afraid and overwhelmed after seeing Seungtaek... Kwon Inbeom, a guy with a knack of violence and who used to beat up and pick on people, actually TREMBLED AND BACK AWAYED CRYING from Seungtaek. And tragically, there's little to no chances of Inbeom ever being together with Seungtaek.
If he'd been nice to Seungtaek, there could have been a chance they'd be together, since it's hinted that Seungtaek may be gay overall (he watched straight porn and was disgusted!!!). It's worse that Inbeom is the very reason Seungtaek and Kyubin are together. If Inbeom never tormented Seungtaek, Seungtaek would never have snapped and beat him up, and Kyubin and Seungtaek would never have met.
Seungtaek is one amazing guy for two guys to be crazy over him. (⊙…⊙ ) Kyubin loves him so much he took the fall for him and continued to yearn for him for years despite being rejected. He'd do anything for Seungtaek, probably. Inbeom bullied him to get attention and came back to the city just to find out who he liked (I'm so sure it was his feelings that brought him to the city rather than just curiosity). Ah, our true BL manhwa lead...

Oh, I hadn’t thought about that! I think the author didn’t make it very clear, Suhyeok wasn’t present when they were fighting and falling (majority of it)! He went off to get a teacher for help. He arrives with the teacher after they fell and Kyubin and Seunghee were yelling. Later Suhyeok vouched for Inbeom, telling the teacher’s Inbeom is his cousin and bringing him to the nurse’s office

i'm sorry for the late reply but i really don't mind you rambling! several points were made and i thank you for that! i'm quite invested in this manhwa too that i used to think abt it all the time. i've cooled down now i really like your observation, it really clears many things up! i hope everything turns out well for all of em.
SPOILERS AHEAD! If you're replying, please do copy the below periods/full stops and paste them before you write your reply!
(I'm not fluent in Korean at all so some of the things I say may be inaccurate!)
God, I feel like my soul left my body and came back after reading that. First off, I'm SO HAPPY that Seungtaek was the one who saved Inbeom. Someone mentioned that Seunghee or Kyubin were more likely to save Inbeom and I also thought so, but it's Seungtaek :') They're both hurt but Inbeom partially on Seungtaek's arm, so I think it helped a bit?
Also, I think the fall caused Inbeom to fully get back his memories. It's stated that he repressed his feelings a lot so it could explain why it took so long to get those specific memories about Seungtaek back.
I'M SOOOO EMO WE FINALLY GET TO KNOW WHY INBEOM LIKES SEUNGTAEK. :'( I'll just make it easy and give a translation here, while my thoughts will be in a separate reply.
Inbeom's parents were so awful and didn't care about him. On a phone call with his mother, he said his father didn't keep his promise and he wanted to go back to his mother, but his mother told him to behave and stay. Inbeom cried in the classroom and Seungtaek came in. Being class prez, Seungtaek told Inbeom to go to the music room as they had music class. Inbeom sort of yells at him, saying "can't you see I'm crying", and then says he feels ashamed and so Seungtaek should get lost.
Seungtaek warns that people are about to come in and if Inbeom's ashamed, he should hide his face. That's what Inbeom does and when the classmates keep asking Inbeom to get up, Seungtaek tells them that Inbeom is sick and not to bother him. Seungtaek also tells Inbeom that since Inbeom's having a hard time, he should stay in the classroom, and Seungtaek will lie to the teacher that he's sick. ((Inbeom blushes a little!))
This is where it all starts. Because Seungtaek saw Inbeom being weak, Inbeom starts picking fights with him and bullying him. He mocks Seungtaek's short hair (he also thinks to himself that Seungtaek looks much better with long hair), to which Seungtaek just ignores him. He says Seungtaek shaved his head because of his sergeant Dad, and finally, Seungtaek looks at him. Inbeom wants to erase Seungtaek from his head, but Seungtaek's gaze makes him want to hide.
It goes to the scene where Inbeom knocks Seungtaek out in the alley and kisses him. He thinks that because he hates Seungtaek, he reacted that way. Before that, Inbeom read a physics question about action-reaction (when you exert a force on something, it exerts a force back on you). Not sure how to interpret this part but I think he believes that why he kissed Seungtaek is because Seungtaek beat him up (he believes he hates Seungtaek still).
Remember that in chap 24 ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/someone_else_s_bl_manhwa/mdx/iur_chapter-24/pg-37/), Kyubin has some injuries? Inbeom beat him up because he was jealous that Kyubin was close to Seungtaek. And then, he went to tyrannise Seungtaek. It's Inbeom's own words---he was going to "act as he pleased and be extremely violent" with Seungtaek and he does, hitting Seungtaek with the helmet till he bleeds from his ear.
As much as Inbeom wants to reveal his heart, at the same time, he wants to hide his heart. It's emphasised a few times that Inbeom does things contrary to his heart.
I didn't really find the rest of the dialogue important because it can be inferred from the pics. The only other significant part of this chapter is that Kyubin covers for Seungtaek once again, but this time, Seungtaek tells the teacher that Kyubin's lying and owns up to what he did. :')
Character development!!!