Good News for Anon

LadyBelle May 20, 2019 12:05 am

This is in response to the anonymous person below, since we aren't sure who to thank for such enlightening comments. At Zandy, we do care about our readers and realize they want releases faster. So in an effort to get chapters to mangago faster, as a group we are considering making some changes. We can upload to mangago faster without bothering with things like uncensoring. So in order to please people like anonymous, what we are discussing is releasing the uncensored chapters on mangago. The fully complete chapter will be released in high quality and with dicks, later on our group's webpage and discord. Fans that like quality will have the option to read it still, while people who go anon to whine on mangago about how entitled they are, will get exactly what they pay for.

    GIGGLEBUSH May 20, 2019 2:55 am

    what is the webpage by chance? I can’t use discord I’ve tried in the past.

    GIGGLEBUSH May 20, 2019 3:05 am

    Never mind please ignore my dumb self

    poisen.ivy May 20, 2019 11:58 am

    I wish I could help you guys. I am good with drawing di..s but not digital only traditonal may it would help?