So rewind a little

Jubie May 19, 2019 6:28 am

After finishing the story, I had some strong feelings about it all but I had a thought... if Bum was that in love with him, I don't think he was actually going to try and poison him so I'm wondering if maybe those pills disappearing was part of Sangwoo's paranoid hallucinations?

    CrimsonDahlia May 19, 2019 6:38 am

    Bum didn't poison Sang woo, try re reading that part again. It just fell down the cabinet, and Sang woo thought Bum poisoned him because the pills were lacking.

    perkystar May 21, 2019 6:22 pm

    WHY do you think they deserve a happy ending?.. I prayed he got hit by a car even before I saw the stop sign.. He's sick, needs help. He is conveniently glossing over Sangwoo atrocities. They don't deserve a happy ending please. Bum deserves to be in a psychiatric hospital

    Jubie May 23, 2019 7:31 pm
    Bum didn't poison Sang woo, try re reading that part again. It just fell down the cabinet, and Sang woo thought Bum poisoned him because the pills were lacking. @CrimsonDahlia

    Oooooh riiight. Thank you for clarifying. I totally forgot about that. I didn’t read the last 2 chapters for the longest time because I was nervous so it’s been a hot minute since that chapter lol. Honestly thought sangwoo was gonna come out of the flames all terminator style and kill bum lol

    Jubie May 23, 2019 7:52 pm
    WHY do you think they deserve a happy ending?.. I prayed he got hit by a car even before I saw the stop sign.. He's sick, needs help. He is conveniently glossing over Sangwoo atrocities. They don't deserve a ha... perkystar

    Yo.... I never said that lol. I just said I have strong feelings. That could mean a lot of things. Please don’t assume.