Looking for something similar-ish?

Dragonaire May 14, 2019 3:37 am

I love this manga so much, I reread it constantly. Soo if you want something similar-ish I totally recommend Kijima-Kun = that is my absolute favorite (I even bought the manga in a different language - English isn't available yet)

Plus please let me know if you know more with a similar dynamic!! Thank you in advance(:

    Joybug June 11, 2019 4:45 am

    I just started reading False Memories and it just kinda reminds of His Favorite just because in it the main character has a scar on his face and makes everyone afraid of him. So it made me want to reread this manga so here I am. Never Understand is also very similar to His Favorite has the whole ugly guy falling in love with the most beautiful guy in school thing.