Yare yare

Salabat May 13, 2019 6:31 pm

So much for being lovers in your past life.. Desire, how come you only remembered Romantica now, hmm?!?!?!

    Salabat May 13, 2019 6:33 pm

    **Desir... sometimes, autocorrect is a pain..

    ttisaaa May 14, 2019 1:44 am

    he's pissing me off by getting so close to adjest and forgetting about his past lover like did romantica not mean much to him (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸?? lmao this bitchh and adjest really getting on my nerves

    Anonymous May 14, 2019 9:56 pm
    he's pissing me off by getting so close to adjest and forgetting about his past lover like did romantica not mean much to him (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸?? lmao this bitchh and adjest really getting on my nerves ttisaaa

    I don't think she was his past lover. A dear friend is more likely.