I’m going to lose it

Moon May 13, 2019 4:36 am

Am I the only one who can not get away from James Charles. I only have 2 social media accounts not including mangago and I fricking swear every other thing I read or see has some of his drama plastered all over it. I barely knew who he was 48 hours ago and now I literally can not get away from it. IM GOING TO LOSE IT.

    Jazzi May 13, 2019 8:41 am
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    I agreed most with pewdiepie. Idk if you have watched his video yet but this whole thing smells weird to me. If James is actually being a predator I don’t agree with that at all, but I haven’t seen any evidence of him threatening or harming a person physically. Yeah he flirts a lot like a gross amount and he is really unrealistic with his whole wanting a straight man role, however based on dms that have been shown publicly he hasn’t been the only one flirting.

    There is probably a lot more going on that anhbody is aware of because everybody is being so vague, I would also like to mention that Tati stated that JC has been in contact with multiple media outlets and thats why she made her statement public, however I have yet to see one video stating his side of the story. But her spill the tea and the tea have made theirs which is who she talked to.

    Jazzi May 13, 2019 9:57 am

    I inderstand how she “feel betrayed” but JC doesn’t have any obligation to only help her out. To the best of my knowledge she promotes pills for hair and skin care, a completely different subject than sleeping pills which is for health. The fact that she doesn’t even have it listed as a product you can buy from her voids out any fact that says he betrayed her. For all the people that say he shouldn’t be giving 12 or 13 year olds a suggestion to take sleeping pills, melatonin’s safe for children, however a parent should consult a doctor on dosage. It wasn’t like he was telling them to become a drug addict.

    I think it’s kind of funny how people just hear something and are wuick to judge without looking into it more, even if I’m a long term fan I will always questions somebodys motives.

    Honestly if I could unfollow the makeup community I would but I never followed them in the first place. They all act like children and are money hungry.

    For the video James was probably suggesting gay guys are easy and just want to fuck cause he is famous. They were talking about Tinder anyways. And honestly I wouldn’t be surprised cause he seems like a bit of a hoe, but that doesn’t mean he is raping straight men.
