No. Do you honestly think Chanwoo is so weak that he cant say no strongly if he's really against it? Are you new to BDSM stories? Cuz subs almost always say NO. Chanwoo is the feistiest character in this story, do you honestly believe he can't get away or get out or even be a DIVA and cry if he really didn't want to? Ugh...
No, that isn't what I ment. Yes Chanwo can absolutely say no if he wanted to, he has a very strong character so so yes he could. But. Firstly: when a person is in a vulnerable head space, the wrong actions could bring MASSIVE damage to the sub. In this case this doesn't apply but I'm just making a point. Secondly, just because the sub almost always says no doesn't excuse the story and make it right. The artist didn't inlcude ANYTHING about any safe words or prep before the play. The readers have no way of knowing if it is or isn't forced otherwise. I'm just making a point that they could have portrayed this in a much better way and make it a more accurate representation of bdsm.
I think you're forgetting who Chanwoo and MD are. They're not just some basic characters from other stories trying out BDSM. The author crafted their personalities all through 74 chapters, in contrast to Alex and DGs who can't handle the play. It's nice to have a "moral compass" tho you're talking like someone who's new to who Chanwoo is and MD.
You're talking like Chanwoo is just like any other character from some "school life" manga or tragic "Killing Stalking". no he isn't Bum who's weak minded and troubled. If you're feeling "protective" and "righteous" and screaming RAPE (which is funny because you really have no idea what you're reading now) then you didn't understand Chanwoo's character and why he went with MD and finally got into a "committed relationship" after sleeping with random guys for so long. Lol, rape.. seriously. Wrong manhwa sweetie
Ok I know this is fiction and people will hate me for this but chapter 72 BUGS ME. If the sub isn't comfortable with doing something, the dom SHOULD NOT try to do it. In bdsm the subs safety and well being is priorety. I do not care if he ended up enjoying in the end. Do. Not. Force. A. Sub. To. Do. Anything. Against. Their. Will.