Bold of you to assume the people who call it rape here DONT call it rape in killing stalking and romanticize it when a guy gets raped. Just shut up stop acting woke. Ppl who like killing stalking are the same people like u who like this type of shit. I for one, and like many others, think killing stalking is just as bad as this, maybe even worse
Then don’t read it because I personally like killing stalking and that doesn’t make me some missed up person. I know the difference between reality and fantasy and I know rape is not ok. So just because Someone enjoys a story with rape in it doesn’t mean they they think it ok in real life. It a good manga that keeps you on the edge of your seat not knowing what going to happen next, that Patrays mental illness in a more realistic since like harada. So if you don’t like “this type of shit”(which by the is not shit these authors worked hard on these stories) then don’t read. You the type of person who read stories like this and then complain to make people feel bad because they like these type of stories. When they don’t have to feel bad for liking it cuz again it’s FANTASY it not like we are watching thing like this happen in real life and fangirling.
I also like rape, stalking and killing mangas but this one particullary annoy me because rape is seen in a comedic way so even if it's fantasy I understand why people react like that.
the way rape is presentend here is way too comedic as if it was normal and even in other yaoi or echi manga it's not as banalised as here
Thank you for seeing the wrong in this manga! I totally get people who like killing stalking though because there’s a lot more going on than just the rape theme and the author sorta criticizes it as well. It’s just not my cup of tea but I never went to the comment section and hated on it because i get it, it’s simply a darker genre. This on the other hand is shoujo and romanticizes rape which is a big no no
Yeah in killing stalking, well the title itself says it, one kills and the other stalks and both of them are mess up and it's a psychological manhua, I'm not sure why they would compare that with this pwp manga ( this is obviously pwp even the way he turn into the girl is for a very stupid reason XD)
Rape isn't good whether it's funny or not. There shouldn't be this is funny so it's worse etc etc. Rape is rape. Killing stalking romanticizes it by saying "oh - i stalked this serial killer and now i love him so i dont mind being raped k" Like what??? It shouldn't matter whether it's comedic or not - the point is rape is rape and going around justifying it someplaces and not others is dumb as fuck
Guys - it's fantasy hentai. This is not real life. Yes, everyone knows rape is bad in real life. We get it. But the fact that you cry on here about it and then go to killing stalking or whatever manga and get all giggly and say uwu they love each other is hypocritical. Just because a girl gets raped it suddenly makea a difference? Guys can raped too, and they are - especially in Yaoi. So chill. We get it already so take your hypocritical ass outta here