I agree.
But I hope that Takase will understand it too. (For now, it seem so, since he didnt chase him or go in a rage and rape him like a lot of yao decide to go for) and that they get each other a new sane relationship. That they really help eachother to accept who they are and moved their past relationship.
For now the script is really realistic, I wont be sad if they end up toghether, but View the rest it would look like a bit rush :o

I disagree to some extent. It was Yuuichi's choice to not get into a relationship. On that everyone is completely right about but it was not his place to dictate a closeted gay man's feelings. And him telling Takase to go and Marry someone or something was just cruel after it took Takase a lot of Time to finally recognize himself.

"when you start saying you want to get married [...]" "even if you think that now, you dont know when you are going to change your mind" Takase is gay + he said "when", he assumed this IS How Takase feels and WILL feel and thats not his place.
"It'd also be easier for you to Just date girls normally" he did tell him to date i didnt remember if it was getting married or date thats why i said "or smth" So my argument still stands. you dont tell someone who Just came out of closet with Such struggle to go back to it.
Takase has to understand, and I'm sure he does now: He's not just a closeted bisexual or homoromantic dude. He's someone who three months ago was ready to marry a woman because that's what was proper. And now he's confessing to a guy who three months ago was dumped by a dude who decided to marry a woman because that's what was proper.
Yuuichi didn't say anything wrong. When you've experienced hurt, it'll make you avoid things as a means of protecting yourself. If a male doctor sexually harasses you, you probably won't want to have any more male doctors for the rest of your life. Call it discrimination, but we do things out of fear to protect ourselves. Yeah, it's painful for Takase, yeah it sucks. But I think Yuuichi has every right to make that choice for himself. Yeah, a gay guy can cheat on him for someone else, but 1. That's not what he experienced that hurt him so deeply and 2. What he did experience—being cheated on by a guy who decided to have a "proper" life with a woman and child—hurts like a mother fucking bitch. And if his means of protecting himself from type specific type of hurt is to not go for bi guys who have dated women then *shrug*
But because this is a manga, we know Takase will somehow ease Yuuichi's fears and trust him and HEA. Yaay xD