I would probably discipline your sister if I were you, ground her if that’s a thing in your household, ban her devices or something but then again your mom would get mad at you. Your dad needs to talk to your mom about it, your sister is getting out of hand. Of course your mom loves you but she shows it in a different way, I think your sisters personality is getting worse because your mom keeps spoiling her, yeah family talk is best

A lot of the conflict I experienced with my mother and the conflict I am tempted to get into with one of my daughters has to do with personality differences. Not to get all amateur psychologist, but certain personalities do just rub one another the wrong the way or tend to dominate over other personalities. In my case, I have my dad's personality which works great for him and my mom, but not so great in our female-to-female case. And I see some of that in me and my daughter, so I have to actively watch out for it. If your sister is younger than you, it may also be a matter of your mom just being so tired that she's gotten into the habit of doing what seems easiest at the time instead of doing what she ought to do. The level of energy a parent has with each child goes down, and it's a battle to not let the younger ones get away with too much. Unfortunately you're seeing first hand the long term consequences of that habit of giving in (whatever the root cause) in your family. Your sister may also suffer later in life when people don't like being around her because of her bad attitude and selfishness. I'm sorry that you're in this situation. Please hang in there. You'll only ever have one mother, but it's okay to not continue mentally living in the middle of this when you're older and have your own life.
PS. And yeah, talk to your dad. Try to be tactful, but please do talk to him about your concerns. Even if he doesn't do anything, at least you'll know that you've done what you can.

Wow, this is really real, huh. I kinda felt how you were feeling though we're not in the same situation. Regarding your sister's situation, you would appear to be the annoying sibling who truly has good intentions. Your mom is spoiling your sister so badly that her character was not shaped well enough. If your mother's only concern about you, not being the perfect child or whatever, then do chores. I don't do chores but I'm still loved, even my siblings. (just typing). Anyway, you should also try to scold your sister. It works, I'm the youngest, I listen to my brothers and sister. Who knows, you might be the 'only person she ever listens to' type of person. Good luck fella, I wish your mom a Great and Happy mother's Day

Oof.... I was basically like your little sister...My parents sent me to Vietnam to work in the farm that my aunt and uncle owned in the summer when I was 12... Ain't gonna lie...I got more chilled out as I kept going to work in the farm during the summer.
My parents gave me two options:
1) Go to prison (they have a program where they attempt to scare the kid back into changing)
2) Work in Aunt & Uncle's farm back in Vietnam
Of course I chose the farm (I didn't want to go to prison and cry while I piss my pants)

your family needs professional help. none of you is acting accordingly. you are fueling the fire by letting your father knows behind your mother's back. your father's way of discipline by hitting the child/ children is definitely wrong, but your father won't listen other than from a professional and the same goes for your mother, because telling her, when you're one of the involving party seeking something, you name it love isn't going to be effective. your school is a good option if they're active in this kind of problems or asking grandparents or anyone who is influential enough to guide you guys for getting professional help.

Have you showed your mother the recordings of you sister when she acts like that? Maybe try to record how many times your sister flips out in a month, to prove that it isn't something that only happens once in a while. And then get your parents to sit down and watch it together. Your mom might get mad, but it sounds like your dad agrees with you. I don't know if it will help anything. It's just my suggestion.

Listen, your mum is in that situation because she wants to be. She created that monster and the fact that she's doing literally nothing about it and even shoots you down when you try to intervene tells me as much.
You need to ignore the 2 of them. Move on with your life and try to avoid getting pulled into their drama because you're only stressing yourself out and thinking things like your mum doesn't love you...
She loves you.
She also loves her situation and interaction with your sis.
So again, don't interfere in their relationship. You only make yourself miserable.
Just enjoy your life and ignore them
My mom doesn't know how to discipline my sister. My sister always yells at her for the tiniest things, today she was screaming at my mom as if she was a child because my mom refused to take her to the grocery store. My sister doesn't even ask for things anymore, she demands for them. Earlier today she guilt tripped and yelled at my mom to go to a store, and my mom still said yes. How can she act this way when it's clear my sister needs disciplining?? When my sister was lashing out today, I recorded it to show it to my dad so she wouldn't manipulate my mom into feeling guilty. The thing is, my mom and my dad are polar opposites. My dad will not tolerate any yelling or he hits us. He doesn't have a problem with me, since I'm a pretty chill person, but my sister gets hit pretty often because I tell my dad about her behavior. My dad's strict disciple in my opinion compensates for my mom's nonexistent discipline. But when I told my mom privately that she shouldn't tolerate my sister when she acts like this, she started getting mad at me and said that I'm not perfect, because I don't do my chores. My sister is over here yelling, grabbing, and harassing my mom, and my mom choses to get mad at me for not doing chores? I don't know how to help my mom anymore. She blames me for everything, the only person who doesn't seem to be blind to everything is my dad. I know it's pretty obvious my mom loves my sister alot, but I just wish she'd love me enough to to listen to me instead of denying me all the time, because it really hurts me.