YuzukiMikage May 11, 2019 3:05 pm


    YuzukiMikage May 11, 2019 3:31 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    I've joined alot of scanlations groups in discord. And not once did they permit someone to post this on a specific site without asking for permission. They are already kind enough to let mangago post this on their site but for only ONE condition.

    For all I know, I know one person from a discord server that can spread the chapters around, AKA Miss Mystery, the one who got in trouble for
    but was forgiven. (On

    If mangago's admins can take the time spying on the latest releases and shitting on their toilets. Then they an follow simple rules.

    I've experienced being an admin for 3 years now (Im helping the creator manage a popular league page for a bit aswell)
    And I've never skipped a sentence. Nonetheless a word on a requested post, member request and reports.
    We also moderate our pages from reading every comments and replies (weird, but its necessary)

    And there's 750+ Requested posts that we need to finish for HALF a day.

    They should've been professional. They're just acting like kids now.

    YuzukiMikage May 11, 2019 3:36 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    Oh btw. The Villains Saviour's scanlation team had discontinued the webtoons translation since it was perfectly visibile on google search box that redirects the webtoon from mangago.

    Even though it was only meant to be shared privately.

    So yeah. Here's another tea.

    YuzukiMikage May 11, 2019 3:57 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    Funny enough, Almost all of the scanlation groups has their wordpress on private.
    Nowadays, you cant just go in and read the chapters with just a password.
    They now need to do a background check on you since chapter snatchers are common these days.

    Thats how groups take their work.

    Same as what happened to BL Lovers twitter page that was filled with the latest Lezhin chapters. He/she can support the author in anyway they can (They were supposed to have a drawing appreciation event aswell). But in the end, someone will be a snitch (site or a real peson) and reveal the account to the author.

    So yeah :/

    Jazzi May 11, 2019 5:00 pm

    If I am being honest I don’t understand what the big deal is? Yeah, getting your work taken from you sucks, but what are they so worried about? Money? If they’re so worried they should just create a patreon, the group is large enough with enough followers that they can aquire a good amount of money that way.

    I would also like to point out that their website sucks. The layout is horrible, and its hard to find manga without the page glitching out. When you go to download a file so you can’t read it 90% of the time because it takes you to some crappy pop up, so you spend 10 minutes getting irritated trying to read just one chapter. Not to mention that some people don’t want to even download something onto their drive, there is not an online option.

    I get that you want to translate or draw some dicks but who in this bussiness didn’t know that crap? like this happens all the time not only on this site but others as well.

    I’m not trying to say that anybody is right or wrong, but it’s stupid to think that one group is going to get special treatment considering the years that they haven’t cared.

    It’s like seeing a wild snake hurt and helping it out. Just because you help it doesn’t mean it’s not going to turn around right away and bite you. It’s a snake, what do you expect?

    I would also like to explain that if you use this site then you support their actions, if you really cared then you would leave to a different site or buy the work yourself.

    I feel like everybody is salty they can’t read what they want because people like to throw fits because they didn’t get their way. It’s rediculous, instead of reading ongoing volumes why don’t you just wait to see if it is going to get completed. This isn’t a new thing, shit from when the site first started is still not finished.

    I get that morally this is wrong but I just can’t wrap my head around people that can’t be realistic with where they’re at in their bussiness. Maybe one day they can outgrow mangago but until then they’re a small bussiness owner that’s fighting a walmart. I don’t see anything changing ever unless they’re legally forced to.

    And truth be told there are enough translators and dick drawers that people can be replaced, it happens all the time. If somebody liked the manga enough they would translate it for us anyways, cause apparently only people with passion towards a specific manga understand that this bussiness isn’t easy to obtain money in and do it souly for others enjoyment.

    So short story is fix your website and I’ll read you manga on there. Until then, realize you are losing bussiness firstly because of that, not because of mangago or any other website. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    YuzukiMikage May 12, 2019 1:19 am
    If I am being honest I don’t understand what the big deal is? Yeah, getting your work taken from you sucks, but what are they so worried about? Money? If they’re so worried they should just create a patreon... Jazzi

    You're so wrong in so many levels

    Im not gonna argue with you, Im just here to say that

    1. They do have a patreon. Do your research.

    2. They are a non profitable group.

    3. Their translations are copyrighted, yet they gave mangago the permission to post their work on their site. But with ONE condition that even a 7 year old child can follow.

    4. There's a reason why they turned passwords on. In the first place. Stop trying to make a metaphorical statement.

    5. The websites are fine for me, they're not Instagram so get over it snowflake. Mangago's supposedly new layout last time was shitter because of the lag, redirection of another manga, the size, and even the goddam scroll.

    6. Go download adblock if you're so annoyed and only leech off on people like mangago (Now im starting to think that you're one of the admins.)

    7. Mangago is my reddit honey. I go to, myreadingmanga, and etc to read aswell. Doesn't mean that if I go to a site, I instantly am defending or supporting them because they provide me mangas.

    You're telling as if this manga is equally comparible as a bank. There's no ads here. How am I supporting them? Going to their house and gving them 100 dollars every day?

    8. Again, they are not a bussiness (and so is mangago) They are a NON profitable group.

    Btw, mangago is 80% the source of the scanlation groups problems (10% on and other sites and the other 10% in personal matters)

    Mangago's admins are people who doesn't read 1 simple rule, and complain as if their reading the Terms and Conditions of fb.

    You're literally trying to support mangago on their ways of "handling" this site

    YuzukiMikage May 12, 2019 1:20 am
    You're so wrong in so many levels Im not gonna argue with you, Im just here to say that 1. They do have a patreon. Do your research.2. They are a non profitable group.3. Their translations are copyrighted, yet... YuzukiMikage

    They're *

    YuzukiMikage May 12, 2019 1:32 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    Same, alot of people here are complaining about the update schedule and why their mangas are not updating.

    I never really complain since its their right to take a hiatus on their translations or even discontinue a manga/webtoon. Even if they stopped translating because they weren't donated enough.

    I actually have the link to MOVirtue aswell I never share it to anyone since the whole BL Lover incident.

    And tbh, if sites like grow, or another one of the sites gives a fuck to the group shows up (exluding, iz me baby)
    Then I'll happily yeet myself out of here.

    The only reason im in the site is because of human interactions lol. Only a few people talk in Disqus and people in my city are just people who joins in the bandwagon :(

    Jazzi May 12, 2019 3:28 am

    You sound salty af but it doesn’t mean you need to be a dick. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    You don’t need to talk to me like I’m a child cause I’m not. If you don’t want people to state their opinions then you shouldn’t comment about something that is controveral in the first place. Besides you being rude I would like to state that just because I didn’t know one fact about them doesn’t mean I am unaware of everything.

    Them being a nonprofit group actually strengthens my arguement that they are worrying about something unimportant. They have a total of what? 70 manga volumes and a handful of written only work that they’ve translated over the course of 2 years. I am not sure how long they have had their patreon but as of right now they 184 followers. Assuming they have had that many followers for over a year now with each one paying 1 dollar each that would make a total of 2,208 dollars a year, not including money they recieve from one time donations they might recieve, or from their website if available. With 70 manga volumes ( not an exact amount) and buying a copyright at between 35 and 55 dollars It would be a total of 3,850 dollars.

    If they are wanting to aquire more money to obtain more copyrights then, instead of blaming illegal sites such as this one, they should work on their marketing tactics. Because mangago is illegal they aren’t obligated to follow anybody’s rules, it is a pretty simple concept to grasp. I never said they aren’t in the wrong but again, exile is not special in this world nor do they have the money for a lawyer to threaten mangago to take their work down. If you want to bring up lezhin then I also would love to say that the reason why they have the ability to get mangago to take man of virtue or any others down is because they have legal power. Again, it’s not correct but that has always been how it is.

    And I agree the rule is simple, easy to follow and if this was a legal site I’m sure they would follow it, however it isn’t and they never will unless they’re forced to.

    Just because a site layout works for one person doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect others. As a consumer there are plenty of people that don’t own adblock, not to mention on multiple devices. The majority of people use their phones or tablets, (not saying you can’t get adblockers) and yeah they might not be instagram nor do I expect them to be considering it’s a completely different platform, but improving their layout and making it easier for people to read and maneuver is something that could hugely improve their bussiness. There is a reason why webtoons, tapas, and even mangago have similar layouts. It’s because it works for the customer. Scrolling down just to have the page glitch and send you to a random spot in the page does not help their bussiness.

    I’m not aware of how many manga volumes you own personally whether it be online or physical copies, but I do my fair share of spending, currectly owning over 100 volumes I think getting close to 200 now. And if you want to be informed so badly about my spending habits I buy comics from lezhin as well as tapas and it’s a rare occasion that I even read them here. I also follow and read on webtoons and various small sites, but assuming that I am a leech just because I don’t agree with the statments people are making is worthless. And no I’m not an admin on this site or any other site, it would be to much work dealing with everybody probably.

    I can make all the metaphors I want and I didn’t even comment on the passwords so I don’t even understand how you combined those two subjects. Adding in the word snowflake isn’t benifial to any conversation and sounds like you are just trying to start a fight btw.

    You can support them by becoming a follower on their patreon or if you want to do a one time donation you just have to look it up and follow the directions patreon gives you. Whether they’re a bussiness or a non profit doesn’t change the fact that they are trying to obtain more money. Yeah it is for creating more translations but they haven’t really tried to reach out to their subscribers. They could’ve easily made a button on the top of their page that says “to help donate”, “follow us on patreon” or anything, but they haven’t and instead have it in tiny writing only on the page the says info. Any lets get real, how many people go on the info page unless they have a problem? Not many people, so again they need to work on their layout.

    I never said I supported anybody if you think I am. I’m just stating that I think it is ridiculous, people are freaking out over passwords, it’s not like they’re threatening to never translate anything ever again or discontinue the manga. It is still going to be around on mangago after 12 hours most likely and if not, then they can just create an account there if they want to read it so badly.

    Honestly I could care less what mangago does on facebook, I don’t care about the admins nor do I care how you use mangago. But freaking out about something after the fact that you’ve done it yourself probably 1000’s of times makes you a hypocrite ( in the nicest way possible). You are who you acquaint yourself with, so if you’ve read a title here or any other illegal site you are apart of the problem that you are complaining about. If you honestly cared enough you would stop using this site, but you want your cake and you also want to eat it. And this includes everybody that wants to state that this site or any other site is horrible because xy & z.

    I don’t even know how many times I’ve had to repeat this over the years. I feel like a lot of people aren’t looking at the big picture and just focouses on either what they want, the next big dramatic topic, or live in a fantasy world where everything is morally correct and fart rainbows. I just know my place, if I use this site I don’t have a right to complain because I am apart of the issue that isn’t going to be fixed. But again if exile works on their marketing for donations and gaining followers they would have an easier time and wouldn’t need to worry about the 12 hours.

    I would also like to say that if they just want some sort of gratification for telling off an illegal site and this has nothing to do with money, then I would question what the point is? They’re not going to get anywhere with a halfass reason as “because I said so”. Cause again mangago is illegal and besides money they have no excuse as to why mangago shouldn’t post their work (that I am aware of).

    YuzukiMikage May 12, 2019 10:49 am
    You sound salty af but it doesn’t mean you need to be a dick. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶You don’t need to talk to me like I’m a child cause I’m not. If you don’t want people to state their opinions then ... Jazzi

    3 paragraphs in and you're already assuming the scanlation.

    Im just not gonna argue back now. Think what you believe in and just go suck those Mangago admin's dick.

    LadyBridy☃ May 12, 2019 3:14 pm

    I've to say that drago and jazzi are talking things thoroughly, we are all a part of it.

    While, let it go. Life is short, don't take it too seriously. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    YuzukiMikage May 12, 2019 3:25 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! labu

    Mangago checks Exiled rebels' site, there are time stamps on it.

    And what they mean is that Mangago didn't follow the 12 hour rule that is applied SPECIFICALLY on them, and maybe only them. (Since they're only calling out mangago on this)

    and Mangago's excuse was that they saw their translation from another site that was posted before the 24-hour rule.So they say that they're just taking the chapters from that site, instead on the scanlations site. Even though that's completely idiotic.

    Its like when a person sees someone copying another person's test , and they instantly assume that they are entitled to copy that same work without permission since they see someone doing it, even though they knew nothing on that person and their relationship with the one whose copying them first.

    Jazzi May 13, 2019 7:59 am
    3 paragraphs in and you're already assuming the scanlation.Im just not gonna argue back now. Think what you believe in and just go suck those Mangago admin's dick. YuzukiMikage

    I can’t do that because i don’t even know the admins names or who they are. Plus I’m in a commited relationships and even if I wasn’t in one I wouldn’t want to. However if you have any more points you would like to adress I’m more than willing to listen to you.

    YuzukiMikage May 14, 2019 1:37 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! labu

    Bitch. Is u blind? Did you really read the pic?

    I ain't gonna explain it to youno more.