TinaG May 10, 2019 9:08 am

Btch hes gonna know the truth through the letters!!!! Or maybe he's only gonna find out that tia's been exchanging letters with allen. BOO i hope he finds out that tia's back to the past.

    CrystalAris May 10, 2019 9:11 am

    I want him to regret his ‘future’ but he doesn’t deserve her

    Probably won’t find out yet.

    Also I hope his ‘further’ self went threw hell after he killed her, since She ran the empire as sub empress for that other worlder

    Also what did he do to her mother?

    TinaG May 10, 2019 9:16 am

    Theres definitely a relationship between the prince and tia's mother but it is still unknown.

    Its too bad we wont be able to see what happened to the prince and empire after tia died.

    I also very eager to see the moment when the prince finds out what he had done to tia in the future.

    It irritates me to see that he's showing some attention and care to tia now when he shouldve done it in the first place.

    Qbonbon May 10, 2019 11:23 am
    Theres definitely a relationship between the prince and tia's mother but it is still unknown. Its too bad we wont be able to see what happened to the prince and empire after tia died.I also very eager to see th... TinaG

    I remember having read a topic revealing that in the novel, they did mention about what will happen after Tia’s death.

    TinaG May 10, 2019 3:25 pm
    I remember having read a topic revealing that in the novel, they did mention about what will happen after Tia’s death. Qbonbon

    Really? Where do you find these novels. Im also trying to find suddenly became a princess one day novel. But the english version of course..

    Qbonbon May 11, 2019 3:31 pm

    I don’t know where to read the english version either. Guess that it just has the korean one