
I'm at ur website and have not broken the rule to upload it anywhere else before 12 hours (i don't really upload the chapters anywhere anyway)
I can't be entirely sure that it is indeed you from ExR but I express my gratitude towards ExR and their hard work.
I'd help u guys with typesetting but I'm currently training to help another group and u guys don't seem to need help but if u ever need one I could chip in.
I'm a fangirl and am not ashamed to do this for anyone else wondering Xd
You know, it's getting really annoying that people aren't following our wishes to not have new chapters posted to other sites until after 12 hours has passed. Those who share it elsewhere are just doing so for the "glory" of being the one to upload it. We don't ask for anything other than a delay in release for our chapters to other sites. Know why? Because we want people to actually and actively go to OUR site where we don't have ads. Unlike places like this, aggregates, who have hundreds of ads and are making money off your every view using OUR hard work as a medium.
So please, visit our site.