I suspect

kurarisu May 8, 2019 1:10 pm

That this manga may have been prematurely cancelled and the author rushed.

Either that, or the mangaka had no idea what trans people go through, because she fell back into the ol’ Japanese straight girl mindset that BL is okay and hot, but making him a transgirl is weird because then they’re a girl and that’s a no-no for BL. And I’m genuinely not bashing on the author, it’s just that a lot of BL mangaka have internalised homo/transphobia that they might not be aware of.

Of course, no way am I saying that every BL needs to end happily. I like the reality that the love went unrequited. However, what I couldn’t accept was the blatant disregard of the MC’s gender transition and acceptance that she’ll be falling in love for the rest of her life for a heterosexual who rejected her. She could have moved on, at the very least. Or lived as a girl whenever she could in her new part time job.

That, personally, feels like as if something went wrong in the publishing house. Please remember that Japan has had the longest history of punishing LGBT+ characters with either death, suffering, or unrequited love. There was just something very suspicious about that final chapter.

    Yaoifan May 8, 2019 4:46 pm

    I agree with you that it didn't sit well with me regarding how the MC kept pining away for a hetrosexual man after being rejected. I would have also liked if she movied on with her live and found love in the gay friend who introduced her to the Escargot bar.

    Not to mention it would have been nice to see her fully embarce herself and her transition process instead of backtrack and playing it safe by remaining a male. Even if meant not fully transitioning and only dressing up in girl clothing.I wanted to see her embrass herself more. Instead of this sad excuse of an ending.

    The only thing I am truly satisfied with is that she did not end up with the asshole Misaki because I couldn't ee that working out at all.