It's a harem but so what, if you already know how harem realated manga works, move to what...

Kira May 3, 2019 7:56 pm

It's a harem but so what, if you already know how harem realated manga works, move to whatever else to read aside from this genre . Plenty of manga to read that suits a person taste.

    melki555 May 10, 2019 8:26 am

    i agree with you!!! no need to insult someone work, just leave and find another manga!!!

    LallaLa May 23, 2019 2:55 am

    Particularly I hate harem, but I don't usually bash mangas like that either; I just don't read it. In short, I was just browsing through the comments and couldn't agree with you more.
    The artist puts work into it; And there are people who likes it.