If you woke up one day in the morning and discovered that your body had changed into the opposite sex, what would be your first reaction?
Well first I'dbe surprised...Then go to the bathroom and jerk off like there's no tomorrow
I’d be like “give me a handsome face”
i’d be happy since that’s what i want, rather than paying the transitioning surgeries
I'd be simply stare disappointedly at my dick n how petite it is
Lol, thought the same thing
Get my prostate and dick pleasured via different methods
Walk around in public with a boner just to see how people would react.
Probably panic and then proceed to cry while wondering how I can change back, tbh.
Probably wonder why even changing into a man does not change my miserable height.
Helicopter dick.
I’ll immediately look at the size of my dickeu.
Scream then be like "okay" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
i would, honestly, swing my willie around
Jack off, burn every single tampon I own in the front yard, sell my birth control pills on the black market, and cash in on this wage gap money
TBH I'd be shock.
lets have a threesome.
no more period bitchess
And no more boobs pain
lol tbh i wouldn't mind at all i'll just become a player xddd if i'm hot tho
Approach one really really attractive girl from my university, charm her and then fuck her till my dick falls off lol
If you woke up one day in the morning and discovered that your body had changed into the opposite sex, what would be your first reaction?