Too gullible to be true

jman95mf April 30, 2019 9:11 pm

I'm sorry, but this boy grew in the slums. He has haruto's memories, but he lived in hell for most of his life, he knows not to trust people. Yet when those girls were literally trying to kill him, he didn't fight back as much as he could. What if they actually killed him? How would that help his cause, and revenge? I find it hard to believe that a boy who only wants revenge, and has so much power would hold back if he's about to be killed. One thing is lowering his head to the nobles, another is literally trying to talk things out against strangers who are trying to full on murder you.

    angel1 May 1, 2019 2:25 am

    naturally it is due to him being an idealized character. some stories focus on characters that we the readers can identify with, which is why there are so many normal people that are very generic and "human" while other stories take a more idealized character that has almost no faults and is almost "perfect" these tend to be our stereotypical "hero" characters as they are required to be above human desire and immorality.

    jman95mf May 1, 2019 3:33 pm

    Which is understandable to characters who are legitimately overpowered, and know they won't be killed easily. In this case I'm referring to superman, I can understand HIM holding back all the time, since even someone as powerful as Darkseid who is clearly stronger than him in most encounters, can't outright kill him straight away. But this one is human, and can easily die like anyone else, him being an idealized hero doesn't work, because he's not above others when it comes to resilience or even power. He's powerful, but he's not godlike, therefore I find it kind of disengenous for him to be an idealized character when he's a mortal, and can easily die. The fact that he lived was also for plot, since the girl who attacked him was going for the kill, yet didn't. For all she knew, he was a kidnapee, and a scumbag of a human.
    I'm just ranting at this point, nevermind xD

    jman95mf May 1, 2019 3:34 pm


    angel1 May 2, 2019 1:40 am
    Which is understandable to characters who are legitimately overpowered, and know they won't be killed easily. In this case I'm referring to superman, I can understand HIM holding back all the time, since even s... jman95mf

    lol, rant away, that's what the comment section is for after all.

    Anyway, I understand where you're coming from, but idealized characters don't necessary HAVE to be OP, they just have to be pure-hearted, so to speak. Many idealized characters are not OP and are just genuinely self-sacrificing. I mean isn't that what defines an ideal hero, self-sacrificing?

    I do feel as though he had plenty of rights to defend himself more that he did and I do believe that the other ppl he has let kick his ass are in the wrong, but I think he is just a nice dude. He doesn't want to hurt the beastkin when he was hoping to find them and have them look after the girl. As for the "interrogation" earlier by the kingdom he just couldn't defend himself under the circumstances.

    jman95mf May 2, 2019 12:29 pm

    I guess you're right, I just read so many manwha regarding isekai in the cultivation eras that I'm used to having an MC that doesn't shy away from killing anyone who tries to harm him xD

    Nah, I wasn't contesting the interrogation part, although it's a bit hard to swallow that he has no grudges towards those who did that to him, when they clearly were just evil. They're going to do that to other people, and those people might actually die from the torture unlike him. Children, elderly, etc. So if he's the "hero", shouldn't he be concerned about that? Instead he just doesn't give a crap, that's why it's hard to see him as an idealized character. Overall he doesn't care about anyone but himself, he steers clear from trouble, and doesn't really think to help anyone unless they grovel at his feet like that girl. He might save a few people here, and there. But he doesn't have a need to save everyone or sees the world in bright colours.

    angel1 May 3, 2019 1:24 am
    I guess you're right, I just read so many manwha regarding isekai in the cultivation eras that I'm used to having an MC that doesn't shy away from killing anyone who tries to harm him xDNah, I wasn't contesting... jman95mf

    oh yea I agree that the kingdom guys need some lesson-learning but I am sure that will come later after he gets more powerful. It also does seem as though he is a bit half-assed for an ideal character, but I do see some of those traits in him.

    I agree he isn't your typical ideal character as he isnt rushing headlong to save every person he meets but he did abstain from harming the beast girls when he could have and even though he was a bit reluctant he did let the girl come along with him. I'm glad he isnt rushing to save everyone though because then it would ruin his whole "leave the kingdom and lay low" thing he has going.

    jman95mf May 3, 2019 12:15 pm
    oh yea I agree that the kingdom guys need some lesson-learning but I am sure that will come later after he gets more powerful. It also does seem as though he is a bit half-assed for an ideal character, but I do... angel1

    True, I guess we'll have to wait, and see how he turns out in the long run. I hope they don't fumble around with his character though. In one instance he helps that girl, in another he'll leave other people to die. That would just be counter productive to his growth.

    angel1 May 4, 2019 4:40 am
    True, I guess we'll have to wait, and see how he turns out in the long run. I hope they don't fumble around with his character though. In one instance he helps that girl, in another he'll leave other people to ... jman95mf

    that is true